Serious unofficial HL2RP² launch feedback thread

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HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
im not sure to what degree that 'restriction' is being reinforced, i dont necessarily want cops barred from nonstandard weapons IC; in fact, i want them to use the prospect of acquiring them via trade to equalize themselves with the rebels. this should be the golden age for it since before those guns couldn't be used due to lack of ammo; now you can hand in your excess and acquire just that
Boss that is never happening. All weapons fly into the Foreign Assets vendor since they are a chunky to keep around in the inventory that is already cramped and clastrophobic for lower ranks.

People can also try to sell weapons to the Combine, but those weapons are more than likely going to end up being seized than bought since it is contraband by the end of the day. Although, now that I think of it, there is potentially one cheeky in-direct way arranging an exchange which I am still yet to see arranged by the Merchants - perhaps it will become a thing in due time.
May 18, 2016
Boss that is never happening. All weapons fly into the Foreign Assets vendor since they are a chunky to keep around in the inventory that is already cramped and clastrophobic for lower ranks.

People can also try to sell weapons to the Combine, but those weapons are more than likely going to end up being seized than bought since it is contraband by the end of the day. Although, now that I think of it, there is potentially one cheeky in-direct way arranging an exchange which I am still yet to see arranged by the Merchants - perhaps it will become a thing in due time.

all cops gotta do is use da brain really

bring your FA guns out to agora in bulks so you can exchange it for ammo for whichever foreign guns you want to keep/use

trading patrols, lmao

its either that or stick to H&K and get mad that youre soon going to be overwhelmed by AKs (it will happen, they're the new MP7 for rebels)
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HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
its either that or stick to H&K and get mad that youre soon going to be overwhelmed by AKs (it will happen, they're the new MP7 for rebels)
Right now we are being overwhelmed my skorpions. I think they will make a fine sale at the local market given all these suicidal rushes. Oh wait, I forgot... they are worth nothing at the market.
May 18, 2016
its weird that the combine faction has a consistent habit of refusing to alter its ways even when circumstances not only corner them into it but also provide positive incentive for thinking outside of the box

this sort of thing is why c24 got """railroaded""" into a loss; when initially @Numbers and i were considering combine victory alternatives depending on the faction's actions


HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
its weird that the combine faction has a consistent habit of refusing to alter its ways even when circumstances not only corner them into it but also provide positive incentive for thinking outside of the box

this sort of thing is why c24 got """railroaded""" into a loss; when initially @Numbers and i were considering combine victory alternatives depending on the faction's actions
So the faction was penalised for being themselves.
I had a smidge of doubt that the railroading was not a malicious act and that it was in fact used to push on the narritive. I was wrong. This is all I needed to hear.
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Apr 26, 2016
that was my call

i basically just wanted them to rely on agora for weapons outside of their "primary contractor" (the good soviet shit, AKs, etc.) and use scavenged weapons from rebels to trade it in

im not sure to what degree that 'restriction' is being reinforced, i dont necessarily want cops barred from nonstandard weapons IC; in fact, i want them to use the prospect of acquiring them via trade to equalize themselves with the rebels. this should be the golden age for it since before those guns couldn't be used due to lack of ammo; now you can hand in your excess and acquire just that

the only 'restriction' that i specifically made the call on was limiting all the foreign asset guns to 20 or so per type so you couldn't crash the merchant system by dumping it all into the town

also figured itd be cool to represent different types of 'production' - rebels are getting all their guns from the romanian government which sits on a huge pile of soviet weaponry as opposed to the produce of a german manufacturing company; there will be a way for rebels to keep getting MP7s and the like anyway but its smth i'm saving for a little later
such a good rp incentivizing decision,
if I were CP i'd be happy honestly, though it is a hinder, its free rp making hinderance that ties the two faction into interacting with each other in any way other than pvp.

im happy for the cp side mains, for you to get some free rp at last
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
I got my glock taken off me by Officers. There's shrimply no way I can effectivelly run my business unless I've got my ass planted down somewhere. Else I'll get searched and have my entire stock robbed off me for contraband.
May 18, 2016
So the faction was penalised for being themselves.
I had a smidge of doubt that the railroading was not a malicious act and that it was in fact used to push on the narritive. I was wrong. This is all I needed to hear.

the most interesting thing imo in an uprising story where you play as the occupying empire is - to what degree do you make 'compromises' on your way of doing things for the sake of winning the war, and to what degree do you hold to your organization's 'principles' so as not to lose your essence (which has become largely pointless as you begin to lose ground, but wanting to hold onto it emotionally is valid, just as long as you understand the costs of it)

the outcomes that combine were able to influence in their own side of the story would very often involve making these sacrifices; but the faction as a whole (not necessarily any one individual, just as a whole) consistently refuses to make them, even when a chance at victory sits right in front of their faces. there have been a few occasions where they went to bat to abide by interesting things (the c24 ceasefire, etc.) but equally there are moments where it just relapses and fucks itself over despite knowing the circumstances (the decision to start hours long s2k fests and chase after lone shotcoppers despite being limited on equipment, etc.)

in fact, we "railroaded" the combine to holding out longer than they should have on c24. the way it used up its supplies, you'd have run out by week 3 if not for admins pitching in with logistical characters that i let happen because i wanted everyone to have fun and the narrative to stay coherent instead of the map collapsing on itself one fine day; so if there was any 'railroading' in c24, it was in favor of you

all of this is absolutely in the interest of pushing a story. this is not malice

but hey ho, go ahead and buy into fearmongering if that's what you really want. i'm sure the rebels who observed me play ordinal in every boreas raid and build a system purely out of them defending a slowly crumbling bunker really thought i was harboring malice/bias against the combine. lol.


Apr 30, 2016
Right now we are being overwhelmed my skorpions. I think they will make a fine sale at the local market given all these suicidal rushes. Oh wait, I forgot... they are worth nothing at the market.
Just you wait

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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
i do actually agree that the weapon lineup for combine faction is SILLY

weapons were made in the context of the half life 2 videogame to suit a function
one starter pistol, one starter smg, yada yada

but functionaly in the universe which they probably didnt consider over gameplay you'd also have a standard infantry rifle (that is not the AR2) while more SWAT ESQUE teams like the inner city cops would have tactical SMG's

hence (IN OTHER WORDS) there should be an AR1, why wouldnt there be
some german rifle prolly or an AK variant
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
frankly amazing the amount of times i've been accused by both sides of being biased for the other one

maybe its called being fair
I would mention that balancing is not just a matter of having both sides being on (roughly) equal 'levels of power' or fair levels compared to each other.

All weapons could be put down to doing 1 damage per hit, or we could all be restricted to 1 weapon but that's going to get rid of a fun factor for many. Likewise buffing everyone to be OP-killing machines will also make it less fun for some.

Balancing comes hand in hand with fun and there's usually this zone where certain players enjoy what they play and the balancing act is to find what the player base enjoys and thinks is balanced.

As for City 24, If I look back on what I hear from every side of the battle I think the biggest issue was transparency or clarity on how certain actions, victories or losses could impact their situation instead of it being arbitrary. For example simply having some form of forum post or a simple warning following a trend of actions saying that if this trend continues that it will have X or Y effect on our situation and/or supplies.

Furthermore, on the ceasefire. Transparency is a great issue when most RLs I speak to on a general basis and even myself as a (admittedly not wholly-active) council member wasn't aware of the nature, whether true or false, of the ceasefire other than the knowledge it simply existed. For my more war-prone character and OOCly at the time made me confused about what the reason for the ceasefire was outside of simply just railroading (and/or IC sabotage)

E: This is not an assault on anyone, it's a perspective I've grown to see looking back on what I heard and my experience as a player in the positions I was in. Mistakes happen and we all live and learn.
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May 18, 2016
As for City 24, If I look back on what I hear from every side of the battle I think the biggest issue was transparency or clarity on how certain actions, victories or losses could impact their situation instead of it being arbitrary. For example simply having some form of forum post or a simple warning following a trend of actions saying that if this trend continues that it will have X or Y effect on our situation and/or supplies.

"the city is under siege. that means supply lines are cut."

"that means your supplies are limited and continuously dwindle."

"you will be funded weekly by the council. try to avoid combat and buy as much time as possible."

to my knowledge these were very clearly outlined premeses, and if nothing else the council funding thing (and the fact it's 'stackable') should've been the clue, as well as the various council briefings on it and attempts to communicate the issue to the cops

Furthermore, on the ceasefire. Transparency is a great issue when most RLs I speak to on a general basis and even myself as a (admittedly not wholly-active) council member wasn't aware of the nature, whether true or false, of the ceasefire other than the knowledge it simply existed. For my more war-prone character and OOCly at the time made me confused about what the reason for the ceasefire was outside of simply just railroading (and/or IC sabotage)

RLs were absolutely communicated to about the underlying conspiracies of the ceasefire, they just botched the meeting by antagonizing the councillors and scheming to undermine it behind their back before it even took off (refer to @'77 East 's earlier tirade about this)

you cannot just cover your ears and then be upset that you did not hear anything
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ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
idk but whoever built that darkrp defence last night that was supposed to prevent grapples and ended up just

being this



HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
"the city is under siege. that means supply lines are cut."

"that means your supplies are limited and continuously dwindle."

"you will be funded weekly by the council. try to avoid combat and buy as much time as possible."

to my knowledge these were very clearly outlined premeses, and if nothing else the council funding thing (and the fact it's 'stackable') should've been the clue, as well as the various council briefings on it and attempts to communicate the issue to the cops
These are not warnings following actions, these describe a situation moving into a map or territory. Or at minimum they arent the way I suggest them if we were to ever redo a similair system.

"You've been sweeping a lot recently with significant loss, we're losing the ability to keep this supplied. We recommend you try to be defensive for the next week otherwise we'll be limited in what you can be supplied with"

RLs were absolutely communicated to about the underlying conspiracies of the ceasefire, they just botched the meeting by antagonizing the councillors and scheming to undermine it behind their back before it even took off (refer to @'77 East 's earlier tirade about this)

you cannot just cover your ears and then be upset that you did not hear anything
I refer to my sources and speaking, most of which I speak to often and find to be credible. If there is a continued disagreement by both sides regarding the nature of it perhaps it's not worth bringing up as an argument. Perhaps for the sake of clarity, you can provide which rank-leaders were informed as I'm working with a he-said-she-said basis outside of my own experience (which is not a RL experience).
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HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
idk but whoever built that darkrp defence last night that was supposed to prevent grapples and ended up just

being this

I remember seeing it and was like "they just increased the landing area for us, how kind".

Secondary fun fact, you know that the outer side of those roofs actually are ungraspable outside of 1 non-roof point that can get us up there? The props would've likely allowed us to grapple up more haha.
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