Serious unofficial HL2RP² launch feedback thread

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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
tbh i offered to loosen the patrol requirement redtape for combine (would make it easier to GM for them, be it supplies or otherwise) but all rank leaders collectively said no because they don't trust the lower ranks at all, not even 75

too afraid theyll die & lose gun, but also forgetting fact that its easier to get item-heavy events gm'd for you when you're more frequently outside of base (even within city perimeter)

the red tape is also the only thing keeping you more organized (with less effort) than rebels right now. you can barely muster up trust for the average 75, as the rebel can barely trust the shitlord with a gun sprinting around
I think you should remove some of thay redtape and just let people learn on the job like cops always did

nobody will learn anything under protection


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
think ull find this is just a vocal minority
Vocal minority or no, I can understand why it feels so shitty.

Y'all - being the loose IC collective that is the resistance, not any one player - literally dropped a missile truck on the heart of the city earlier, which in of itself is whatever. Personal reservations about the concept and especially its execution aside, it's really not a huge deal when all's said and done. But what is a huge deal is that I know for a fact that if the Combine sent a hunter-killer or gunship over and past the bridge to return the favor as retaliation, instead of stopping at the second strut, that same 'vocal minority' would come out in force to be a bunch of snarky cunts about it, and their friends would get right in on it too.

It's better than it used to be, sure, but the kinda attitude that gets thrown at Combine players over any kind of substantial, proactive action or retaliation is still absolutely atrocious. No wonder so many of them are so jaded about it. A month in, and from the perspective of the average cop player, things probably don't look that great as far as avoiding the crippling 'status quo' issues previous iterations've had. Which was, in of itself, a draw of this new iteration to begin with.

I dunno. I guess my point at the end of the day is that people need to get better about taking hits on the chin and being okay with the kid gloves coming off more frequently. 'cause when they don't, it tends to end up some really just nasty shit being thrown at the people who are just there to play their side of the server themselves. RP is about telling stories, and sometimes stories don't always go the way we'd like. And that's what makes for impactful, meaningful moments and allows for new stories to happen. I don't think some people here have really ever learned or accepted that.

And it's those people that wind up causing the most frustration and burnout among Combine players, minority or no. Still feels like absolute crap to be on the receiving end of it, no matter how small or concentrated of a group it is.
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
literally dropped a missile truck on the heart of the city earlier
none of us knew this was even happening

we got a random /r from chinaman general saying "WE GON BLOW UP ROCKET !" and we were just collectively like "wtf"

our involvement was literally rushing up to the bridge cus we knew what was gonna happen

but idk man theres only so much we can do about vocal minorities outside of tellin em to stop bein piss shit crybabies
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kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
but idk man theres only so much we can do about vocal minorities outside of tellin em to stop bein piss shit crybabies
And I'm not saying that there is any magical solution to it. More than anything, I'm just making an observation of some returning patterns that I hope we can quash or steer away from sooner than not. 'cause most of us have seen where the playerbase's overall environment goes when we don't.

Yes, we're all just here to enjoy ourselves, it's a hobby after all, but it is also important I think to realize the very real hits someone's motivation to flag on can take when things wind up leaning the way they used to - and maybe take a few steps to avoid making those same mistakes again in addressing whatever the issue of the day winds up being.
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Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
tbh i offered to loosen the patrol requirement redtape for combine (would make it easier to GM for them, be it supplies or otherwise) but all rank leaders collectively said no because they don't trust the lower ranks at all, not even 75

too afraid theyll die & lose gun, but also forgetting fact that its easier to get item-heavy events gm'd for you when you're more frequently outside of base (even within city perimeter)

the red tape is also the only thing keeping you more organized (with less effort) than rebels right now. you can barely muster up trust for the average 75, as the rebel can barely trust the shitlord with a gun sprinting around
I was never offered this option bruh, I'm fine with 75s leading patrols so long as they actually take the reins of a leader, putting the boot down where they need to go, when to pull back and to whip the whelps to get into combat instead of running around like headless chickens. We have an overflow of weapons.

although this option will elevate the problem of the battery even higher.
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HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
or it mitigates the battery issue because the GMs can set stuff for cops more often when theyre outside more often
We are outside quite a bit already, but there’s only so many times you can walk down the same empty streets


Apr 27, 2016
We are outside quite a bit already, but there’s only so many times you can walk down the same empty streets
you are outside only when rank leaders are online, meaning GMs have to wait for rank leaders to get online to give cops anything

it's as easy as "oh this 75 team here secured an ULUZ crate made by the alter ego of zulu" on dead hours because 75s WOULD take casual teams out on patrols more often (as they had in dead city streets on city rp)
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The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
tbh i offered to loosen the patrol requirement redtape for combine (would make it easier to GM for them, be it supplies or otherwise) but all rank leaders collectively said no because they don't trust the lower ranks at all, not even 75

too afraid theyll die & lose gun, but also forgetting fact that its easier to get item-heavy events gm'd for you when you're more frequently outside of base (even within city perimeter)

the red tape is also the only thing keeping you more organized (with less effort) than rebels right now. you can barely muster up trust for the average 75, as the rebel can barely trust the shitlord with a gun sprinting around

Should allow more CP's to be out there.

It would make for looting to be easier for them. A lot of the loot I give out to rebels I spawn in their general vicinity whenever they are exploring in a dangerous place. I can't do the same with cops considering when they are out they are on a mission, and they go out rarely so usually whenever I'm on I'd see them in base.

For cops I have to manually start a chain of event, contact them out, order them around with some char and then hope no rebels intercepts the message.

For rebels I press Q and item menu in hidden looting spots and if they find it, they find it, if not I press Z when I DC or leave it there for the future. Sometimes I spawn environmental story telling or organic quests on the spot as well.

(Not to say cops don't go out a lot already, but for my example my times are weird so the more chances they go out, the better!)


It would also leave for some fun situations, more bonding in the PT team if not everyone goes out in a big blob, which thankfully doesen't happen a lot anyways!
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HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
you are outside only when rank leaders are online, meaning GMs have to wait for rank leaders to get online to give cops anything

it's as easy as "oh this 75 team here secured an ULUZ crate made by the alter ego of zulu" on dead hours because 75s WOULD take casual teams out on patrols more often (as they had in dead city streets on city rp)
Change to rule to when no RLs are on 75s can take out patrols on their own then, I don’t see it changing how often events are spawned though
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The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
Should allow more CP's to be out there.

It would make for looting to be easier for them. A lot of the loot I give out to rebels I spawn in their general vicinity whenever they are exploring in a dangerous place. I can't do the same with cops considering when they are out they are on a mission, and they go out rarely so usually whenever I'm on I'd see them in base.

For cops I have to manually start a chain of event, contact them out, order them around with some char and then hope no rebels intercepts the message.

For rebels I press Q and item menu in hidden looting spots and if they find it, they find it, if not I press Z when I DC or leave it there for the future. Sometimes I spawn environmental story telling or organic quests on the spot as well.

(Not to say cops don't go out a lot already, but for my example my times are weird so the more chances they go out, the better!)


It would also leave for some fun situations, more bonding in the PT team if not everyone goes out in a big blob, which thankfully doesen't happen a lot anyways!
Also to add to this, as an idea, you could have OTA phase 1 or ordinals also be able to lead out a CP team if no RL (or 75) is present. Kinda like a commisar
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The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
Change to rule to when no RLs are on 75s can take out patrols on their own then, I don’t see it changing how often events are spawned though
It's all about statistical frequency, the more you are = the higher chance someone will spawn stuff or do an event around you.

Rebels are always out and in their own corner = higher chances to mess around and create interesting story telling

for CP's they are usually clustered in bases so it's much harder to think of something on the spot, but if you are out more you are also likely to get more stuff done to you, good or bad. Not to mention you provide a danger to the city, can't tell you how many times I've seen people just walk in the city near the gate willy nilly near dead hours.
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HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
It's all about statistical frequency, the more you are = the higher chance someone will spawn stuff or do an event around you.

Rebels are always out and in their own corner = higher chances to mess around and create interesting story telling

for CP's they are usually clustered in bases so it's much harder to think of something on the spot, but if you are out more you are also likely to get more stuff done to you, good or bad. Not to mention you provide a danger to the city, can't tell you how many times I've seen people just walk in the city near the gate willy nilly near dead hours.
Nothing is stopping a 75 from asking to lead a patrol right now and I’ve authd every single one who has asked. They just don’t ask often

Like I said, just change the rule to where if there are no RLs, a 75 can take out a patrol without auths
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
you are outside only when rank leaders are online, meaning GMs have to wait for rank leaders to get online to give cops anything

it's as easy as "oh this 75 team here secured an ULUZ crate made by the alter ego of zulu" on dead hours because 75s WOULD take casual teams out on patrols more often (as they had in dead city streets on city rp)
this would unironically be a really good idea though

considering the amount of 75s i cant really
say many of them are "untrustworthy" besides a couple*, and the ones that end up doing something stupid have a good reason to be punished afterwards

*this really doesnt mean anything from an OOC standpoint; some Civil Protection players roleplay their characters as loose cannons and/or slightly unhinged though
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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
the loose IC collective that is the resistance, not any one player - literally dropped a missile truck on the heart of the city earlier, which in of itself is whatever.
it was a staff member messing around though, just like the helicopter it's fodder that they pull out for whatever reason and promptly get thrown in the bin when they're done with it

the helicopter's gone because a bunch of cops shot at it with h&k trash & I still have no clue why the GRAD truck is driving around, or why none of the event/other staff know about it
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