Serious unofficial HL2RP² launch feedback thread

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Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
five step plan for F U N.

1. Increase zulu crates by at least 45%, way more ammo in them yet they've got to be in the city to foster risk+interconncity between two factions. Perhaps more gear to facility health bargain economy (GOODBYE TOKENS, you will not be missed)

2 Rebels (daily?) Supply depot, more ammo handed out/spares or maybe even just a giant public storage vendor (within reason) to act as storage, probably won't work due to abuse but the idea is there

3. Lax bullet crafting flags for both sides, Black market dealers don't exist, they won't send in a union buster to kill you for growing your own watermelons in this iteration, we're in a global war for the soul of humanity.

4.Keep battery vendor limit on cops but swap out for battery so they're replaced with scraps, ensuring whittle down with each death still has an impact on top of the limited weapons yet not lose 100 battery in one day until the next bi-weeky supply

5. Maybe put a limit on the speed of arms/armour on the rebel aside until at least the second batch of transhumanism are complete if we are going this route to ensure the arms race between the two sides seems fair

Also to that person who said the suspension of disbelief has to be maintained for the combine to not walk over to the bridge and kill everybody, that hasn't needed, a strider can't just wander over when Rebels now have HIMARS, rocket/mortar emplacements and actual modern attack helicopters, it's no longer OOC disbelief, that's what this literation is all about, a couple of maps from now I do forsee them pulling out BMP's and *maybe* within reason a capable battle tank.

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
Which depend on a repairing resource that is very fickle to acquire
Which is exactly the same as insurgents, Orsted only had 3 spare suits and they got chewed up after we got attacked by mercenaries and then fended off that day's bridge attack.

Every single time we get supplies I have to spend my allotment on new plates to repair suits, I'm lucky to get ammunition.

New cops can easily spend half an hour minimum being acquainted with how things are run around the base before they hear the clarion call of PT assembly. Even then, they're probably not gonna be allowed on particularly treacherous excursions right off the bat.
Point is, they aren't reliant with having to beg or wander into some massacre to get the basics.

A singular cop getting a weapon and maybe a lucky two boxes in an event doesn't prove the system works. We had ammo spawned in once, we were pretty conservative with AK ammo and we were out within a week. No restock or system changes ever since, even though we ask for it
It wasn't from an event, it was from a corpse.

Have you been throwing all the guns in the river or something? There was something like 20 scripts left on the bridge after OTA had massacred their way through the line. I lost a FAL and on the way out saw at least 6 submachine guns around.

I first-hand saw SEVEN caches get looted today, all were in the safezone and not a single one was 'rigged'
It's almost like I spent tonight watching the Last of Us instead of being on the server, simman.

Which caches are these, the ones that @hhh are leaving around for their S2K mercenary event group series? That had me, @kifer & @Raiden get jumped by armed mercenaries the last time we started trying to saw them open?

Or maybe it's one of the 6 other event runners doing their own thing? You ever thought about that?

East back at straight up lying I see, never change.
Don't you get tired of listening to your own brainrot, simman?


There have been others over the course of this week but I didn't take pictures, been too focused on auths.

Low-tier guns get handed out left and right to new players on the rebel side, again hardly an argument.
Almost like people try to share their stuff instead of letting it sit in premium lockers?

actual modern attack helicopters
There was only ever one and it's been destroyed, not that it was ever under our control anyway.

1. Increase zulu crates by at least 45%, way more ammo in them yet they've got to be in the city to foster risk+interconncity between two factions. Perhaps more gear to facility health bargain economy (GOODBYE TOKENS, you will not be missed)
Caches should remain with risk, not in location but with attempting to loot = chance of death in some form.

Greed should not be rewarded, only clever thinking.
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
Feb 12, 2017
Right. So, let me write this as fast as I can, and as clear as I can.

I did the event for fun and I'll simply state it here, and while much effort went into it, and I received a lot of support from quite a many staff team who oversaw it with me, including some Combine staff players. I am always trying to take into the consideration and wishes of the playerbase on both sides. That is why I often talk over things an hour or two before anything is even launched.

So- again. I did this event for fun, because I thought it'd be more enjoyable for all parties in the CMB to engage in a rescue operation rather then sit at base while staff edits the vendor. It ties into other storylines nicely. And it just basically makes the world feel a bit life I think.
I try to make things enjoyable to anybody who takes part or engages with it, was it Rebel or CMB. Was it event OTA or Staff Synths. It breaks my heart every time I hear somebody pissed at their death or some issue. And I try to improve for the future, and we always speak things over with staff when any complaints come up. Because honestly in the end we are here to make the game enjoyable for everybody.
Clearing out few things as well.
the next restock (which is not formalized in any way. happens when somebody feels like it)
I will say this.
It is formalized.
Much of the higher senior staff are aware and monitor supply shortages when they happen. More so, when a resupply does happen, they have set amount how much they'll replenish the vendors.

we had a "restock" today which I was requested to flag on for.
I didn't request anybody to log on.
In the end this is a hobby, a game, something fun you do and a story to build with the members of the community when you want to do so.
As long as you keep the obligations of the WL, ( activity ). Then you have no real 'requests'.
it was announced by multiple /events to allow rebels to contest it
I believe there was only one /event, as the dropship being shot by the manta would most likely elicit it being seen around the surrounding area. The rest IC information was through CMB radio.
The rebels are allowed to engage with any event anywhere on the map if they can and it doesn't break any OOC rules.

ops had a flying instakill AoE event enemy flying above them that cannot be killed even though we were facing real rebels??? not sure when did this degree of staff intervention into player vs player conflict become normalized but I'm not a fan of it
I'll say this, its not a tool that is used by the staff to in anyway impact the pvp fight. Things like the manta and antlions were placed there before you all arrived and should be thought of as environmental hazards due to the nature of the area you are fighting on.
We did not expect such

waiting for the day cops get to disrupt rebel supplies for a change but I feel it might not come, has not happened so far. staging fights between the two factions I am a fan of but not when one side gets to shoot for fun and the other's survival depends on it, especially when one is already much stronger than the other
Thanks for the event idea.
But in the end. I hope do you understand that there is a matter of 'gamemastering' from the staff team.
We are a group of people who want you guys to have fun. We are not going to fuck you guys over because you failed to retrieve a single pod of supplies at like, 11pm on a Monday. IC, yea might've gotten some flack but that's just the nature of the faction that the Combine are. Not a complete excuse but regardless. I hope you can trust us, as there are also many staff members who play on Combine.. As well as we have many staff who play on the Rebel side.
Neither side is going to neglected. And everything is curated.

strider which gets deployed when uhh hmmm uhm
ah, when event team feels like it
Completely and utterly false.
Event team has NO say when synths (striders and such) get deployed. It was never the case and will never be so.
I will not say who specifically has the say. But I will say it is the same aforementioned 'higher senior staff' who also keep track of the supply situations.

I hope that all cleared up some things a bit.
We are not your enemy, we are not playing against you. And none of us are playing for one team or the other.
There are a lot of Combine players in the staff team, as there were during the event. We didn't even have any rebel staff taking part in that either I believe.
The concerns you've and others that have brought about the script imbalance and the deployment or lack-there-of the synths, APCs and others are something that have we've gone over a month ago.
We all have a very clear goal and view in the arsenal progression that is presented and brought to the field from both sides. And anything that pushes it, Airwatch- War synths- APCs- Artillery requires authorization. And is often done case by cases when we know the probable cause and possible effect of them deploying.. and their purpose even in doing so.
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Now in a relationship with Sectus
May 14, 2016
Laura your event was completely fine, it just seemed overwhelming to the rebel side with the dropship and strider but that was because the crack down came hard as it was right on the heel of a group base attacking the front gate and killing two transhumans.

Everybody was just so surprised rebels came out in force to a cop leaning event for some battery that hard lmao
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
gotta wonder how many fucking times this needs to be said
every time a complaint happens because both factions feel stigmatized whenever they lose 1 weapon


this is a joke i dont want to wake up tomorrow and get told to go fuck myself by 30 different rebel and also cop mains
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
There was something like 20 scripts left on the bridge after OTA had massacred their way through the line. I lost a FAL and on the way out saw at least 6 submachine guns around.
And we were not allowed to push that far to recover them because it's an OOCly protected zone :)
All went back to the rebels
Or maybe it's one of the 6 other event runners doing their own thing? You ever thought about that?
Man with a straight face admits rebels are getting supplies from 7 different event runners and still can't see the problem
Almost like people try to share their stuff instead of letting it sit in premium lockers?
Your point being?
I said that getting a gun is extremely easy on rebel side because it is
There was only ever one and it's been destroyed, not that it was ever under our control anyway.
Damn, "not under our control" is literally every single Combine asset that isn't a 100/100 MP7 cop right now
I will say this.
It is formalized.
Much of the higher senior staff are aware and monitor supply shortages when they happen. More so, when a resupply does happen, they have set amount how much they'll replenish the vendors.
I don't know who's behind it then, but we were not informed in any way, especially not a formalized one
I didn't request anybody to log on.
In the end this is a hobby, a game, something fun you do and a story to build with the members of the community when you want to do so.
I didn't say it was you. I was asked to flag on, got instakilled by an event enemy while trying to stop a rebel from flanking us, then got teleported back, mowed down, teleported back again and mowed down again. I don't know what story I'm supposed to build here
I believe there was only one /event, as the dropship being shot by the manta would most likely elicit it being seen around the surrounding area.
There were three, as a build-up to the crash I imagine
The rebels are allowed to engage with any event anywhere on the map if they can and it doesn't break any OOC rules.
Yes, that's the source of my complaint. They're free to repeatedly base attack and bait cops as many time as they wish and, as seen today, interrupt their resupplies. Civil Protection remains an entirely reactionary force to this day.
Your event today merely highlighted an issue, it's not the source of one
Completely and utterly false.
Event team has NO say when synths (striders and such) get deployed. It was never the case and will never be so.
Doesn't matter to me who has the say, it isn't Civil Protection is my point. There is a very clear lack of understanding of the difference between Civil Protection as a player faction and Combine as an event narrative entity in the community and it continues to create problems
Neither side is going to neglected.
It sure doesn't feel like it when Civil Protection gets treated like a game element that has to be balanced instead of actual players


Apr 26, 2016
It's probably the survivorship bias talking, but I had fun. The location and other circumstances played heavily in our favor, so after the initial spanking we got, there wasn't much in the way of stopping us from clearing out the parking building.


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
And we were not allowed to push that far to recover them because it's an OOCly protected zone :)
All went back to the rebels

Man with a straight face admits rebels are getting supplies from 7 different event runners and still can't see the problem

Your point being?
I said that getting a gun is extremely easy on rebel side because it is

Damn, "not under our control" is literally every single Combine asset that isn't a 100/100 MP7 cop right now

I don't know who's behind it then, but we were not informed in any way, especially not a formalized one

I didn't say it was you. I was asked to flag on, got instakilled by an event enemy while trying to stop a rebel from flanking us, then got teleported back, mowed down, teleported back again and mowed down again. I don't know what story I'm supposed to build here

There were three, as a build-up to the crash I imagine

Yes, that's the source of my complaint. They're free to repeatedly base attack and bait cops as many time as they wish and, as seen today, interrupt their resupplies. Civil Protection remains an entirely reactionary force to this day.
Your event today merely highlighted an issue, it's not the source of one

Doesn't matter to me who has the say, it isn't Civil Protection is my point. There is a very clear lack of understanding of the difference between Civil Protection as a player faction and Combine as an event narrative entity in the community and it continues to create problems

It sure doesn't feel like it when Civil Protection gets treated like a game element that has to be balanced instead of actual players
Rebels get their shit together and start fucking over the combine side a bit more and this is basically the response.

Rebels are working much more in co-ordination with each other these days and it’s a beautiful thing to see. I feel your hyper-inflating the issues a bit cos you took an L.

I play both facions and the time it took me to get a gun on both was exactly the same, except with cops I had full armour already.
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
Rebels get their shit together and start fucking over the combine side a bit more and this is basically the response.

Rebels are working much more in co-ordination with each other these days and it’s a beautiful thing to see. I feel your hyper-inflating the issues a bit cos you took an L.
you gotta be illiterate to write that as a serious response to what I wrote earlier but I'll just assume this is bait


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
you gotta be illiterate to write that as a serious response to what I wrote earlier but I'll just assume this is bait
no my friend, you’re complaining about imbalance. when imbalance worked for you everything was fine and the rebels just needed to cope more and get better but now you feel its against you it’s an entirely different situation that must be fixed immediately !!!

its sweet irony from my perspective, and how blind you are to it is amazing lol

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
no my friend, you’re complaining about imbalance. when imbalance worked for you everything was fine and the rebels just needed to cope more and get better but now you feel its against you it’s an entirely different situation that must be fixed immediately !!!

Sorry to tell you this now that you're on your high zinger moment, but from the very first map, any squad of rebels could outrange the weaponry of the CPs, any synths were scrutinised and rarely deployed, and OTA tried to stay back until this very map.

Any stick prodding out from the Combine side of things was cut as it's the most "balanceable" side of the two. We are thinking about making fights more fair for both sides (at least event/task fights), but so far the "imbalance" has never actually worked for the Combine, at least not in the way you make it out to be.

There was one time a hunter (me) injured "too many" rebels, and now they're even more controlled, even if nobody would dare question the force engaging before the hunter was there was 20 (including vorts among them) versus the outstanding amount of 6. It resulted in a huge argument on the forums because of that single hunter, a hunter that could've been shot and killed right then and there - As it was facing huge numbers, out of cover and wasn't bhopping at all. Only a single vort comes to mind that fired against it. Yet, despise this being nothing but a failure from the rebel side, as the sheer number of them would've killed the creature in a second, we decided to balance the synth too, since we took into consideration the possibility of players panicking and not firing at the creature at all.

That's just to give you an example. The rest of the times, an APC was usually brought out to avoid the CP teams outside getting outright vaporised from the map, and at times so they could participate in events outside of the 20 square metres of their base.

The issue with APCs going on their own to attack was also tackled.
The amount of CPs/OTA on patrols was also regulated.
Synths are limited and their only goal in this one event is so CPs had a chance to participate at all in the event. The strider did less damage than any combatant in the situation, it killed less than the dropship.
Civil Protection and OTA both need SD auths to cross the bridge. Not attack any rebel bases, no - Just cross the bridge.
If you want to say CPs could have armor before and rebels didn't, yeah, it happened for a few times, and then they had their supplies limited again. Meanwhile they got a single resupply for batteries this time, it's outrageously easy for you guys to replenish armor, ammunition and weapons that go beyond an SMG or a pistol, especially now that there's a supply station.

And I'm probably missing a few things. This is how much red tape has been applied to the Combine so far.

Have the resistance received a single unreasonable "no" to any of their requests? They have reprogrammed manhacks, as far as I know. They were allowed to steal an APC. They're never told "you guys are too many, don't attack all at once", if the Combine have six CPs online, then so be it. They're not forbidden from performing outright base attacks from the middle of the city. I would like to know if anyone got PKed for this upon death? I'd say not many, if any, got PKed when they died after they attacked the base and got caught in, let's say, the bridge while trying to pull out on the retaliation.

I could probably go on for hours, and say a thousand more words, but let me put this clearly: The balancing has, never, not once in a single day of this server, been against the resistance. Every time something was ironed out, was on the opposite side, and the only things that were denied to the resistance were outright impossible things to achieve (silly/memey ideas, or whatever).

So if you lost a battle, take it to the chin like I tell these guys to. Like I tell Simman himself. We're here to have fun, we'll lose some and win some, it'll be wacky or cool. But it's a game. The whole competitive shit has to drop hard.
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Sorry to tell you this now that you're on your high zinger moment, but from the very first map, any squad of rebels could outrange the weaponry of the CPs, any synths were scrutinised and rarely deployed, and OTA tried to stay back until this very map.

Any stick prodding out from the Combine side of things was cut as it's the most "balanceable" side of the two. We are thinking about making fights more fair for both sides (at least event/task fights), but so far the "imbalance" has never actually worked for the Combine, at least not in the way you make it out to be.

There was one time a hunter (me) injured "too many" rebels, and now they're even more controlled, even if nobody would dare question the force engaging before the hunter was there was 20 (including vorts among them) versus the outstanding amount of 6. It resulted in a huge argument on the forums because of that single hunter, a hunter that could've been shot and killed right then and there - As it was facing huge numbers, out of cover and wasn't bhopping at all. Only a single vort comes to mind that fired against it. Yet, despise this being nothing but a failure from the rebel side, as the sheer number of them would've killed the creature in a second, we decided to balance the synth too, since we took into consideration the possibility of players panicking and not firing at the creature at all.

That's just to give you an example. The rest of the times, an APC was usually brought out to avoid the CP teams outside getting outright vaporised from the map, and at times so they could participate in events outside of the 20 square metres of their base.

The issue with APCs going on their own to attack was also tackled.
The amount of CPs/OTA on patrols was also regulated.
Synths are limited and their only goal in this one event is so CPs had a chance to participate at all in the event. The strider did less damage than any combatant in the situation, it killed less than the dropship.
Civil Protection and OTA both need SD auths to cross the bridge. Not attack any rebel bases, no - Just cross the bridge.
If you want to say CPs could have armor before and rebels didn't, yeah, it happened for a few times, and then they had their supplies limited again. Meanwhile they got a single resupply for batteries this time, it's outrageously easy for you guys to replenish armor, ammunition and weapons that go beyond an SMG or a pistol, especially now that there's a supply station.

And I'm probably missing a few things. This is how much red tape has been applied to the Combine so far.

Have the resistance received a single unreasonable "no" to any of their requests? They have reprogrammed manhacks, as far as I know. They were allowed to steal an APC. They're never told "you guys are too many, don't attack all at once", if the Combine have six CPs online, then so be it. They're not forbidden from performing outright base attacks from the middle of the city. I would like to know if anyone got PKed for this upon death? I'd say not many, if any, got PKed when they died after they attacked the base and got caught in, let's say, the bridge while trying to pull out on the retaliation.

I could probably go on for hours, and say a thousand more words, but let me put this clearly: The balancing has, never, not once in a single day of this server, been against the resistance. Every time something was ironed out, was on the opposite side, and the only things that were denied to the resistance were outright impossible things to achieve (silly/memey ideas, or whatever).

So if you lost a battle, take it to the chin like I tell these guys to. Like I tell Simman himself. We're here to have fun, we'll lose some and win some, it'll be wacky or cool. But it's a game. The whole competitive shit has to drop hard.
I think you’re mistaking my criticism. I’m not a rebel biased guy as I enjoy participating in both factions - my issue is that when striving for a good balance people like simman don’t actually want or care about the “other side” and that’s what annoys me the most, the irony of crying “imbalance” whilst at the same time not caring about the imbalance the other side might be facing. It’s entirely counter productive and irony in its purest form.

I want to see a balanced server where I take some Ls and take some wins and I’m very happy to do so.

Señor Jaggles

Local Spaniard
Aug 16, 2016
I think you’re mistaking my criticism. I’m not a rebel biased guy as I enjoy participating in both factions - my issue is that when striving for a good balance people like simman don’t actually want or care about the “other side” and that’s what annoys me the most, the irony of crying “imbalance” whilst at the same time not caring about the imbalance the other side might be facing. It’s entirely counter productive and irony in its purest form.

I want to see a balanced server where I take some Ls and take some wins and I’m very happy to do so.

I mean I think I got your posture minute one, I just don't agree with the imbalance comment. Simman complains from the POV of someone who sees how everything the rebels want to try is a given, but anything the Combine wants to use and can use is trimmed, tied and put under red tape, and somehow there's still room for complaint from the resistance side about impossible odds.

I just think you're trying to make a comparison that's just impossible. The rebels take wins and loses, and so do the combine, but out of one complaint from Simman there are five from the Resistance. I don't get why he gets this much shit while the opposition is nothing but a mirror image. Thing is, if you take balancing and faction control into account, which is a lot for the Combine side of things and none if any for the Resistance, it makes way more sense for him to complain than any of the other people.

In the end there's a lot of noise and the reality is both factions stand on a more or less even ground now, both able to play to their strengths effectively.

However, when all of these arguements happen, everything is addressed appropriately and discussion occurs, but Simman who is (going by his past record) funnily enough being reasonable with his points, is immediately disregarded as if he doesn't have a right to give his POV and complain about stuff. Honestly speaking? I don't think you guys notice how much of an effect your attitude has on people and making them sour, competitive and outright mad.
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Deleted member 38

john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
but out of one complaint from Simman there are five from the Resistance.
think ull find this is just a vocal minority cus i rlly aint heard much complaining from the resistance aside from on-the-spot annoyance at stupid shit/mistakes

we're - to the day - a month in, it's gonna take a bit of time to reach some sort of ultimate balance where as many people as possible are happy
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Simman who is (going by his past record) funnily enough being reasonable with his points, is immediately disregarded as if he doesn't have a right to give his POV and complain about stuff. Honestly speaking? I don't think you guys notice how much of an effect your attitude has on people and making them sour, competitive and outright mad.
Most of my complaints, which are few and far between, go straight to admins in steam dms or the like - in fact I specifically told members of my cell not to go starting arguments on the forums as I didn’t want to associate my cell with forum toxicity.

I too rarely try to make comments about things on the forums due to the nature of forum arguments, which I try to avoid whenever I can as it’s not worth it since hardly anything gets solved.

think ull find this is just a vocal minority cus i rlly aint heard much complaining from the resistance aside from on-the-spot annoyance at stupid shit/mistakes

we're - to the day - a month in, it's gonna take a bit of time to reach some sort of ultimate balance where as many people as possible are happy
This too.

Most complaints come from people who don’t really have much affiliation with the “wider resistance” groups and instead act out as lone actors, which became a problem cos they drag down what the actual people who spend a lot of time playing rebel rp in an established group do, even when they do not speak for them

I wouldn’t be reacting to such irony if I wasn’t previously told to get to fuck either when I made what I felt was, at the time, a genuine issue shared by many.


Apr 27, 2016
tbh i offered to loosen the patrol requirement redtape for combine (would make it easier to GM for them, be it supplies or otherwise) but all rank leaders collectively said no because they don't trust the lower ranks at all, not even 75

too afraid theyll die & lose gun, but also forgetting fact that its easier to get item-heavy events gm'd for you when you're more frequently outside of base (even within city perimeter)

the red tape is also the only thing keeping you more organized (with less effort) than rebels right now. you can barely muster up trust for the average 75, as the rebel can barely trust the shitlord with a gun sprinting around
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Deleted member 38

john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
tbh i offered to loosen the patrol requirement redtape for combine (would make it easier to GM for them, be it supplies or otherwise) but all rank leaders collectively said no because they don't trust the lower ranks at all, not even 75

too afraid theyll die & lose gun, but also forgetting fact that its easier to get item-heavy events gm'd for you when you're more frequently outside of base (even within city perimeter)

the red tape is also the only thing keeping you more organized (with less effort) than rebels right now. you can barely muster up trust for the average 75, as the rebel can barely trust the shitlord with a gun sprinting around
there are probably 4 people i trust in rebelrp and 2 of them i wouldnt trust with anything more than a paper clip

the rest do not currently possess brain matter

but hey they havin fun
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