Serious unofficial HL2RP² launch feedback thread

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nokia talk 2002
Apr 26, 2016
>me about to grenade entire squad of cops
>the ota appearing on ridge in front of everyone with no warning


Sep 2, 2019
Alright, it's my time to give feedback, I've played both the CP, and civ side and felt it was time to let it all out.

At first, it was new and refreshing, However after the 1st map, it got stale rather quickly. It turned into doing nothing until an RL or admin came on to pull us out of our outpost for either a patrol, or mini event. Although the mini events are typically cool, It gets very very stale when you can't do anything besides wait for people to get on, go out and S2K and repeat. Luckily, the army put its green weenie down on me so I got a good week long break and figured maybe I was burnt out. Since I've been back its been more or less the same. I was able to get a friend interested into the server and decided to make a civ character with him for us toi play together. Very quickly we realized just about the only thing to do is be a rebel. We tried to branch away from that, trying to find a middle ground and keep to ourselves. Somehow that became playing basketball because it was the only form of RP that wasn't "god the combine suck" or Overly friendly everyone who just gives handouts (which is nice, but it's EVERYONE). there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare. We had a combine sniper literally decide to S2K us last night mid basketball game (we weren't even armed) then today he shot the ball out of my hand and it was deleted. For no reason. On the civ side, Playing gmod basketball has been the only source of fun on the server. We don't want to be forced into being a rebel, so after our ball got shot we were like ok, let's head over to the combine, talk to them, we have some information on the rebels and weapons we can trade just to get a basketball back.

We get to their gate, and begin speaking with them at first it was going rather well. Then we let them search us, they take our weapons and whatnot (which we told them we had prior to being searched). We merely asked for their sniper not to shoot us, and if they could procure us a new basketball. In exchange we would give them Names, locations, and the radio frequency of the rebels.

The RP we got was as follows:

CP: "Your deal is improbable"

Me: "What about it is improbable? We just want our basketball back"

CP: "we'll spare your life and thats all we dont care about actionable intelligence, and thanks for the guns."
The whole thing just makes it seem like everyone's so conditioned into S2K that event trying to foster some semblance of RP that isnt Rebel V combine is impossible. I get it may have been slightly cringe to want it back. But its is the only fun we've been able to find on the server being civs. I get the server is sorta geared towards this rebel v combine thing now. But gosh is it stale. I was hoping I could be pulled out of all the faction BS by making a civ char, but unfortunately it seems pretty impossible. My buddy is already bored as hell, I feel bad because I sorta hyped things up to him, hoping to have a good experience. But sadly from both ends its just the rebel side is like overly "Love us love us love us" and the combine side is just so used to S2K (I am a CP this is coming from a place of love), that they can't find a way to interact besides "we'll let you live muahahaha, get out". All it would've taken is for them to be like give up the info, and you'll get a basketball. It didn't even have to be true. but they didn't even take the information! I found it pretty hard to wrap my head around. We even explained that the rebels gassed out our home and it pissed us off. Idk I guess this sounds like i'm malding over a basketball but its deeper than that. The overall RP has kinda dipped in quality on the server it seems.
All in all, I think a break from the S2K constant war stuff would be nice, There should be some middle ground to foster RP in and make it possible to RP being a displaced civilian. The rinse and repeat of S2K is growing increasingly stale. in my opinion, and no amount of map changes will keep that from happening.


Nov 5, 2019
Alright, it's my time to give feedback, I've played both the CP, and civ side and felt it was time to let it all out.

At first, it was new and refreshing, However after the 1st map, it got stale rather quickly. It turned into doing nothing until an RL or admin came on to pull us out of our outpost for either a patrol, or mini event. Although the mini events are typically cool, It gets very very stale when you can't do anything besides wait for people to get on, go out and S2K and repeat. Luckily, the army put its green weenie down on me so I got a good week long break and figured maybe I was burnt out. Since I've been back its been more or less the same. I was able to get a friend interested into the server and decided to make a civ character with him for us toi play together. Very quickly we realized just about the only thing to do is be a rebel. We tried to branch away from that, trying to find a middle ground and keep to ourselves. Somehow that became playing basketball because it was the only form of RP that wasn't "god the combine suck" or Overly friendly everyone who just gives handouts (which is nice, but it's EVERYONE). there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare. We had a combine sniper literally decide to S2K us last night mid basketball game (we weren't even armed) then today he shot the ball out of my hand and it was deleted. For no reason. On the civ side, Playing gmod basketball has been the only source of fun on the server. We don't want to be forced into being a rebel, so after our ball got shot we were like ok, let's head over to the combine, talk to them, we have some information on the rebels and weapons we can trade just to get a basketball back.

We get to their gate, and begin speaking with them at first it was going rather well. Then we let them search us, they take our weapons and whatnot (which we told them we had prior to being searched). We merely asked for their sniper not to shoot us, and if they could procure us a new basketball. In exchange we would give them Names, locations, and the radio frequency of the rebels.

The RP we got was as follows:

CP: "Your deal is improbable"

Me: "What about it is improbable? We just want our basketball back"

CP: "we'll spare your life and thats all we dont care about actionable intelligence, and thanks for the guns."
The whole thing just makes it seem like everyone's so conditioned into S2K that event trying to foster some semblance of RP that isnt Rebel V combine is impossible. I get it may have been slightly cringe to want it back. But its is the only fun we've been able to find on the server being civs. I get the server is sorta geared towards this rebel v combine thing now. But gosh is it stale. I was hoping I could be pulled out of all the faction BS by making a civ char, but unfortunately it seems pretty impossible. My buddy is already bored as hell, I feel bad because I sorta hyped things up to him, hoping to have a good experience. But sadly from both ends its just the rebel side is like overly "Love us love us love us" and the combine side is just so used to S2K (I am a CP this is coming from a place of love), that they can't find a way to interact besides "we'll let you live muahahaha, get out". All it would've taken is for them to be like give up the info, and you'll get a basketball. It didn't even have to be true. but they didn't even take the information! I found it pretty hard to wrap my head around. We even explained that the rebels gassed out our home and it pissed us off. Idk I guess this sounds like i'm malding over a basketball but its deeper than that. The overall RP has kinda dipped in quality on the server it seems.
All in all, I think a break from the S2K constant war stuff would be nice, There should be some middle ground to foster RP in and make it possible to RP being a displaced civilian. The rinse and repeat of S2K is growing increasingly stale. in my opinion, and no amount of map changes will keep that from happening.
ngl idk why the combine isn't allowing negotiation with sympathisers etc, considering the city (was) apparently filled to the brim with people.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
Alright, it's my time to give feedback, I've played both the CP, and civ side and felt it was time to let it all out.

At first, it was new and refreshing, However after the 1st map, it got stale rather quickly. It turned into doing nothing until an RL or admin came on to pull us out of our outpost for either a patrol, or mini event. Although the mini events are typically cool, It gets very very stale when you can't do anything besides wait for people to get on, go out and S2K and repeat. Luckily, the army put its green weenie down on me so I got a good week long break and figured maybe I was burnt out. Since I've been back its been more or less the same. I was able to get a friend interested into the server and decided to make a civ character with him for us toi play together. Very quickly we realized just about the only thing to do is be a rebel. We tried to branch away from that, trying to find a middle ground and keep to ourselves. Somehow that became playing basketball because it was the only form of RP that wasn't "god the combine suck" or Overly friendly everyone who just gives handouts (which is nice, but it's EVERYONE). there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare. We had a combine sniper literally decide to S2K us last night mid basketball game (we weren't even armed) then today he shot the ball out of my hand and it was deleted. For no reason. On the civ side, Playing gmod basketball has been the only source of fun on the server. We don't want to be forced into being a rebel, so after our ball got shot we were like ok, let's head over to the combine, talk to them, we have some information on the rebels and weapons we can trade just to get a basketball back.

We get to their gate, and begin speaking with them at first it was going rather well. Then we let them search us, they take our weapons and whatnot (which we told them we had prior to being searched). We merely asked for their sniper not to shoot us, and if they could procure us a new basketball. In exchange we would give them Names, locations, and the radio frequency of the rebels.

The RP we got was as follows:

CP: "Your deal is improbable"

Me: "What about it is improbable? We just want our basketball back"

CP: "we'll spare your life and thats all we dont care about actionable intelligence, and thanks for the guns."
The whole thing just makes it seem like everyone's so conditioned into S2K that event trying to foster some semblance of RP that isnt Rebel V combine is impossible. I get it may have been slightly cringe to want it back. But its is the only fun we've been able to find on the server being civs. I get the server is sorta geared towards this rebel v combine thing now. But gosh is it stale. I was hoping I could be pulled out of all the faction BS by making a civ char, but unfortunately it seems pretty impossible. My buddy is already bored as hell, I feel bad because I sorta hyped things up to him, hoping to have a good experience. But sadly from both ends its just the rebel side is like overly "Love us love us love us" and the combine side is just so used to S2K (I am a CP this is coming from a place of love), that they can't find a way to interact besides "we'll let you live muahahaha, get out". All it would've taken is for them to be like give up the info, and you'll get a basketball. It didn't even have to be true. but they didn't even take the information! I found it pretty hard to wrap my head around. We even explained that the rebels gassed out our home and it pissed us off. Idk I guess this sounds like i'm malding over a basketball but its deeper than that. The overall RP has kinda dipped in quality on the server it seems.
All in all, I think a break from the S2K constant war stuff would be nice, There should be some middle ground to foster RP in and make it possible to RP being a displaced civilian. The rinse and repeat of S2K is growing increasingly stale. in my opinion, and no amount of map changes will keep that from happening.
I think there should be some sort of accommodation for those trying to roleplay as a refugee/citizen character, someone who doesn't want to fight, just to live y'know


HL2 RP Server Director
Apr 26, 2016
ngl idk why the combine isn't allowing negotiation with sympathisers etc, considering the city (was) apparently filled to the brim with people.
I was not the CP in the basketball incident and I wasn't there, but I can say we have found ways to collaborate with certain people loyal through various means so it is definitely possible for that type of RP. We have a few people actively working with us currently, it's just kept under wraps (for obvious reasons)
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Apr 30, 2016
Alright, it's my time to give feedback, I've played both the CP, and civ side and felt it was time to let it all out.

At first, it was new and refreshing, However after the 1st map, it got stale rather quickly. It turned into doing nothing until an RL or admin came on to pull us out of our outpost for either a patrol, or mini event. Although the mini events are typically cool, It gets very very stale when you can't do anything besides wait for people to get on, go out and S2K and repeat. Luckily, the army put its green weenie down on me so I got a good week long break and figured maybe I was burnt out. Since I've been back its been more or less the same. I was able to get a friend interested into the server and decided to make a civ character with him for us toi play together. Very quickly we realized just about the only thing to do is be a rebel. We tried to branch away from that, trying to find a middle ground and keep to ourselves. Somehow that became playing basketball because it was the only form of RP that wasn't "god the combine suck" or Overly friendly everyone who just gives handouts (which is nice, but it's EVERYONE). there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare. We had a combine sniper literally decide to S2K us last night mid basketball game (we weren't even armed) then today he shot the ball out of my hand and it was deleted. For no reason. On the civ side, Playing gmod basketball has been the only source of fun on the server. We don't want to be forced into being a rebel, so after our ball got shot we were like ok, let's head over to the combine, talk to them, we have some information on the rebels and weapons we can trade just to get a basketball back.

We get to their gate, and begin speaking with them at first it was going rather well. Then we let them search us, they take our weapons and whatnot (which we told them we had prior to being searched). We merely asked for their sniper not to shoot us, and if they could procure us a new basketball. In exchange we would give them Names, locations, and the radio frequency of the rebels.

The RP we got was as follows:

CP: "Your deal is improbable"

Me: "What about it is improbable? We just want our basketball back"

CP: "we'll spare your life and thats all we dont care about actionable intelligence, and thanks for the guns."
The whole thing just makes it seem like everyone's so conditioned into S2K that event trying to foster some semblance of RP that isnt Rebel V combine is impossible. I get it may have been slightly cringe to want it back. But its is the only fun we've been able to find on the server being civs. I get the server is sorta geared towards this rebel v combine thing now. But gosh is it stale. I was hoping I could be pulled out of all the faction BS by making a civ char, but unfortunately it seems pretty impossible. My buddy is already bored as hell, I feel bad because I sorta hyped things up to him, hoping to have a good experience. But sadly from both ends its just the rebel side is like overly "Love us love us love us" and the combine side is just so used to S2K (I am a CP this is coming from a place of love), that they can't find a way to interact besides "we'll let you live muahahaha, get out". All it would've taken is for them to be like give up the info, and you'll get a basketball. It didn't even have to be true. but they didn't even take the information! I found it pretty hard to wrap my head around. We even explained that the rebels gassed out our home and it pissed us off. Idk I guess this sounds like i'm malding over a basketball but its deeper than that. The overall RP has kinda dipped in quality on the server it seems.
All in all, I think a break from the S2K constant war stuff would be nice, There should be some middle ground to foster RP in and make it possible to RP being a displaced civilian. The rinse and repeat of S2K is growing increasingly stale. in my opinion, and no amount of map changes will keep that from happening.
It's an unfortunate truth that people still get pissy over gmod s2k and try to min-max that shit. I try to avoid those people, and do my own little ic shit on the Combine, from intentionally fumbling to genuine fear/pain RP as one would expect. It keeps shit fresh, I'm not out to win every engagement I just want to make an atmosphere for others.

Cops barely interact with citizens so when presented with them, they brainfreeze and go 'Uuh no' because they don't want to get into OOC trouble usually. I want to encourage more citizen cop relations but I can't force it.
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
I was not the CP in the basketball incident and I wasn't there, but I can say we have found ways to collaborate with certain people loyal through various means so it is definitely possible for that type of RP. We have a few people actively working with us currently, it's just kept under wraps (for obvious reasons)
reminder to trust NO ONE
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Apr 26, 2016
For cops, I just think a lot of the time they don't actually understand what they have to offer, or how much RP they can reasonably give "citizens" without those people potentially running off and ratting to the rebels, which has happened before. In the city you had a lot of options, but in this sort of setting its hard to know how far you can or can't go.

As for actual faction-on-faction RP, the difficulty is primarily down to the Rebel side from a management perspective.

You can easily tell the cops not to start shit or to not shoot unless provoked. You can't count on every rebel to see a PT and not decide its free gear.
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Apr 26, 2016
Somehow that became playing basketball because it was the only form of RP that wasn't "god the combine suck" or Overly friendly everyone who just gives handouts (which is nice, but it's EVERYONE). there is no "rebel groups fighting each other for power". It's just all faction warfare. We had a combine sniper literally decide to S2K us last night mid basketball game (we weren't even armed) then today he shot the ball out of my hand and it was deleted. For no reason.
Some good feedback, but I want to give some context for this, because you're making it seem like we shoot every bluesuit we come across.

You were both playing basketball directly under a spot where we have occasionally sniped people for the last 2 weeks (primarily armed resistance and vortigaunts, but also careless bluesuits). The city is not supposed to be a safe area to walk around, and sniping (or scaring with the laser) at least a few people is part of emphasising that danger. It's an environmental obstacle that isn't there 24/7, but when it is, it forces you to rethink your route through the city.

When I first spotted the two of you, I had some model issues to fix, so I left you both there for some time while I disconnected and reconnected. When I came back, you were both still there, so I decided to get you to move somewhere else, as it felt like you were overstaying in an area that is supposed to have some danger to it. Keep in mind that only a day prior had "rebels" dropped a gas bomb in an area just 30 seconds away from you, plus I had also spotted armed rebels at the hospital behind you before reconnecting.

I dropped a grenade nearby and pointed my sniper's laser at you to scare you away, but I held my shot. Of course, I then proceed to get shot at by an armed rebel (with what sounded like an AK) at the hospital. I couldn't spot that rebel after, so I changed position to an angle where I could potentially see him. Last I saw, you were both running away.

Mid-way through moving to a new spot—not even 30 seconds later—you were already back to playing basketball. I shot at you both for being incredibly careless of your surroundings, where one died, and the other was heavily injured. For all I know, you could have also been an informant for them, so no chances were taken. In reality, of course, you just wanted to play basketball.

As for the sniper that destroyed the basketball, that was somebody else who is a little more evil.

However, I will say that it is unfortunate that the CPs did not want to collaborate with you, as they have with others in the past. Minor relationships like that can be a win-win for both sides, especially in this case. You give the current public resistance frequency (something that is definitely valued – assuming they don't already know it) and additional information in exchange for simply being able to play basketball? Seems a bit petty to reject such a deal.


Sep 12, 2018
Another thing is that it's a bit odd to use one of the most American looking maps to roleplay being in an Eastern European city
missed the opportunity not to reserve this for a north American xen infestation setting, which is basically happening just in the least eastern European looking map possible


Apr 26, 2016
I do want to say that I think this server is a whole is a good example - despite how amazing of a feat it is in regards to it having worked out as positively as it has - of why it is incredibly difficult to make an engaging warzone simulator that has a perfect balance of action and roleplay (which is what a lot of people envision, comparing it to the Outlands).

What makes CityRP work as it does is that there's a neutral 'middle ground' of citizens that lets the two sides interact (even unknowingly) if they want it to happen. This setting doesn't allow for that very easily, and obviously you're not really going to have both sides directly interacting every day in a 'peaceful' manner on their own terms.

That isn't a jab by any means, because a lot of people said this setting couldn't be done full stop and that it'd be dead within two weeks, I just think it goes to show that its not really a straight forward situation of "this setting will give more roleplay without challenges".
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Mar 26, 2017
Me (the new head of the ranch) writing down what I see here to make a new uneasy neutral zone the moment I get home (sorry rebels)
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