harry potter gaem


The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
you dont buy Hogwarts Legacy because JK Rowling is transphobic

I don't buy Hogwarts Legacy because Harry Potter fucking sucks

We are not the same

side note: The PC lag is probably Denuvo sadly, so the pirate version when it comes out will perform better, I hope WB removes it so I will buy the game, on sale ofc because is a solid $30 game imo
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
Unfortunate the game is marred by Rowling. Just past the opening by an hour or two and I can already tell this is an outstanding game on its own merits. Probably will be in the running for GOTY.
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LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
Unfortunate the game is marred by Rowling. Just past the opening by an hour or two and I can already tell this is an outstanding game on its own merits. Probably will be in the running for GOTY.
Because of this, I got a feeling it WONT be long before it’s available for… seafaring download, which is when I plan on picking it up if at all. They ain’t getting my money, but from what little I have seen, you can’t say it doesn’t look cool. Just don’t think it’s awesome to give someone all that money who has explicitly said they’re gonna make a bunch of donations to anti-LGBT groups
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May 7, 2016
Because of this, I got a feeling it WONT be long before it’s available for… seafaring download, which is when I plan on picking it up if at all. They ain’t getting my money, but from what little I have seen, you can’t say it doesn’t look cool. Just don’t think it’s awesome to give someone all that money who has explicitly said they’re gonna make a bunch of donations to anti-LGBT groups
I think this Is a completely valid point.

JK has shown time and again she is a horrible human being and is massively toxic.

That being said…

I think no one should be scared into not buying the game, and let’s be honest JK has billions this game could get zero sales and HP could never release anything ever again and she’ll still be eating caviar for the rest of her life.

And the folks boycotting this game who want to publicly shame and “cancel” people who play/stream the game kind of rubs me the wrong way.

At the end of the day all power to the people who boycott it.

I hope the people play enjoy the game

And people who think that think people are transphobic for merely playing it are ridiculous

I’m not completely sold on buying it, it does seem something fun for me and my boyfriend to do.
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LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
And the folks boycotting this game who want to publicly shame and “cancel” people who play/stream the game kind of rubs me the wrong way.

And people who think that think people are transphobic for merely playing it are ridiculous
Honestly yeah, the bits that I've seen just aren't nice at all, just because of the WAY it's being done, all being very hate filled and reactionary. I know it's easy for me to say, but I do think it should be a much more measured response. I think it's ABSOLUTELY valid for people to go "You advertising this game, to millions of people, is a shitty thing to do, please consider that" but it's not valid to send full on HATE towards them. That sort of thing never felt right to me.

And, of course people who play it aren't transphobic, from what I've seen the discourse surrounding it, doesn't mean you're transphobic, but it means you care more about the game than an entire group of people (the bits and pieces I've personally seen say that anyway, which is a very succinct way of putting it)

Important Edit - Of course, despite what those people said, I don't think it makes you transphobic to play it, or want to play it at all. I literally know trans people who have pre-ordered it themselves, because... ya, it's one of the big releases of the year. Just, be mindful about what you're buying into and stuff.
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May 7, 2016
Honestly yeah, the bits that I've seen just aren't nice at all, just because of the WAY it's being done, all being very hate filled and reactionary. I know it's easy for me to say, but I do think it should be a much more measured response. I think it's ABSOLUTELY valid for people to go "You advertising this game, to millions of people, is a shitty thing to do, please consider that" but it's not valid to send full on HATE towards them. That sort of thing never felt right to me.

And, of course people who play it aren't transphobic, from what I've seen the discourse surrounding it, doesn't mean you're transphobic, but it means you care more about the game than an entire group of people (the bits and pieces I've personally seen say that anyway, which is a very succinct way of putting it)

Important Edit - Of course, despite what those people said, I don't think it makes you transphobic to play it, or want to play it at all. I literally know trans people who have pre-ordered it themselves, because... ya, it's one of the big releases of the year. Just, be mindful about what you're buying into and stuff.
I do think the VAST majority of boycotters are great people it’s just a shame the small minority are as “passionate” as they are and it is a hard thing because it is a pretty valid reason to be upset lmao.

When it comes to LGBT issues despite being apart of them I’m just so far out of the loop and have little interest.

What I do find extremely extremely cringe is people buying the game because of the sole reason to piss off trans people.
People like that are more likely dissuade me into buying than anything else
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
Alright, I've sunk a good 13-ish hours in now, which I put in for the most part in one sitting with minor breaks. Hands down it will be a GOTY contender. From a studio whose biggest game prior to this was Cars 3: The Video Game they've instantly punched up into the big block buster games like God Of War and Red Dead.

The game instantly captures the imagination that the Wizarding World can offer. Especially when it is completely free of Rowling on the creative input. For both people who like the franchise and those who are unfamiliar or not into it there is just at the heart of this an amazing game that stands on its own Merits. From amazing exploration, puzzles, collectables in the world space to an easy to pick up but challenging combat system on Hard Difficulty that is both enjoyable to play and fun visually there is a lot to do and it respects your time with those activities.

While disappointing things like quidditch or other various magical minigames mentioned in other Wizarding World media are lacking but they've taken that dev time and put it in the core. The opening of the game was instantly gripping, if it doesn't hook you by the time you get sorted into your house after a 30 - 45 minute opening then it's probably safe to just refund. But for me as I reached the castle I couldn't help but have a childish grin on my face and could not stop playing.

Hogwarts itself is a masterful set piece with stuff in every nook, cranny, nonsensical halls and corners. From puzzles, to collectables, to just strange sights and then there is the world around Hogwarts. You are free to explore the surrounding countryside, first on foot and eventually on a broom or flying magical creature. I have had to just stop numerous times to just soak in the incredibly immersive and beautiful environment.

I, at about 12 hours just unlocked my talent tree to put into perspective on how massive the game is and I left it off before getting a broom. I haven't even gotten the Room Of Requirement yet which will feature an entire homestead gameplay to decorate, farm, tend to magical beasts, and all the other stardew-esuqe type elements it adds on.

On top of stellar gameplay this is a gorgeous game. On my 3090/i9E I get about 30 FPS on max ultra settings with raytracing on ultra and AI Upscaling enabled. I could probably turn down the raytracing to get better performance but it has been playable so far. The only technical issues I've encountered is the very rare graphical glitch like an object stuck in my characters hand during a cutscene for a brief moment, or the very rare freeze frame also during a cutscene. Otherwise no bugs have stood out to me.

Story wise I feel like I'm nearing the conclusion of about act 1, and so far I've found the narrative to be compelling with the mystery it has offered. I can see this being the first in a trilogy. Starting late in your magical education for reasons left ambiguous but you can presume you took longer then most to gain your magical abilities and you abilities only a select few have ever had. You have begun as a 5th Year student and I don't see this game going past a single school year. I can see a story being told over your 5th, 6th, and 7th year at Hogwarts. each being their own perspective game.

Some criticisms or things I'd like to see improved in the future is the student body. There are little things that they do but it's all mostly for show. A student walking around with a rain cloud above his head, peeves the poltergeist harassing people. But overall not much dynamic stuff happens and I've already begun to see repeats of these little situations. I would love to see an implementation of the Nemesis system from the Shadow Of franchise. WB has this amazing system for storytelling that they copyrighted so nobody else can use it and they NEVER USE IT.

Imagine if there was a Friends & Rivals system like the Orcs from Shadow Of Mordor/War. Things happen to students that you can help them out or you can punk on them, or they randomly punk on you and they then get a name, traits, ect and can become friends, rivals, in-betweens. You'll just be walking around the castle with some random student you've had beef with jumps you into a duel but then a friend you made comes out and join in to help you ect ect. An increase on the "school sim" element is all this game really is missing.

Classes are for the most part just cutscenes and then a little minigame lesson to gain a new skill. Which is perfectly fine as the focus is ultimately on the stuff in between classes. But just something I personally would like to see more of is developing the actual school sim elements. It would help avoid what can be called the "Spiderman Problem" New York in Spiderman PS4 was amazing, but making that interesting for sequels is probably a touch challenge. Hogwarts I reckon will be the same, it's amazing for the first time but when will that wear off? adding dynamic encounters is a good way to mitigate that.

Overall I am currently ranking it a solid nine out of ten. An amazing first outing for this studio whose never done something like this before, but still room to improve. . franchise aside it is just an outstanding and masterfully made game that deserves to succeed. The developers clearly put a ton of passion into this product .I fully understand those who do not want to play this game for JoRow's attachment however I think this game is a perfect testimony that this franchise can grow beyond its creator, and be inclusive for everyone to enjoy.

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Apr 27, 2016
Alright, I've sunk a good 13-ish hours in now, which I put in for the most part in one sitting with minor breaks. Hands down it will be a GOTY contender. From a studio whose biggest game prior to this was Cars 3: The Video Game they've instantly punched up into the big block buster games like God Of War and Red Dead.

The game instantly captures the imagination that the Wizarding World can offer. Especially when it is completely free of Rowling on the creative input. For both people who like the franchise and those who are unfamiliar or not into it there is just at the heart of this an amazing game that stands on its own Merits. From amazing exploration, puzzles, collectables in the world space to an easy to pick up but challenging combat system on Hard Difficulty that is both enjoyable to play and fun visually there is a lot to do and it respects your time with those activities.

While disappointing things like quidditch or other various magical minigames mentioned in other Wizarding World media are lacking but they've taken that dev time and put it in the core. The opening of the game was instantly gripping, if it doesn't hook you by the time you get sorted into your house after a 30 - 45 minute opening then it's probably safe to just refund. But for me as I reached the castle I couldn't help but have a childish grin on my face and could not stop playing.

Hogwarts itself is a masterful set piece with stuff in every nook, cranny, nonsensical halls and corners. From puzzles, to collectables, to just strange sights and then there is the world around Hogwarts. You are free to explore the surrounding countryside, first on foot and eventually on a broom or flying magical creature. I have had to just stop numerous times to just soak in the incredibly immersive and beautiful environment.

I, at about 12 hours just unlocked my talent tree to put into perspective on how massive the game is and I left it off before getting a broom. I haven't even gotten the Room Of Requirement yet which will feature an entire homestead gameplay to decorate, farm, tend to magical beasts, and all the other stardew-esuqe type elements it adds on.

On top of stellar gameplay this is a gorgeous game. On my 3090/i9E I get about 30 FPS on max ultra settings with raytracing on ultra and AI Upscaling enabled. I could probably turn down the raytracing to get better performance but it has been playable so far. The only technical issues I've encountered is the very rare graphical glitch like an object stuck in my characters hand during a cutscene for a brief moment, or the very rare freeze frame also during a cutscene. Otherwise no bugs have stood out to me.

Story wise I feel like I'm nearing the conclusion of about act 1, and so far I've found the narrative to be compelling with the mystery it has offered. I can see this being the first in a trilogy. Starting late in your magical education for reasons left ambiguous but you can presume you took longer then most to gain your magical abilities and you abilities only a select few have ever had. You have begun as a 5th Year student and I don't see this game going past a single school year. I can see a story being told over your 5th, 6th, and 7th year at Hogwarts. each being their own perspective game.

Some criticisms or things I'd like to see improved in the future is the student body. There are little things that they do but it's all mostly for show. A student walking around with a rain cloud above his head, peeves the poltergeist harassing people. But overall not much dynamic stuff happens and I've already begun to see repeats of these little situations. I would love to see an implementation of the Nemesis system from the Shadow Of franchise. WB has this amazing system for storytelling that they copyrighted so nobody else can use it and they NEVER USE IT.

Imagine if there was a Friends & Rivals system like the Orcs from Shadow Of Mordor/War. Things happen to students that you can help them out or you can punk on them, or they randomly punk on you and they then get a name, traits, ect and can become friends, rivals, in-betweens. You'll just be walking around the castle with some random student you've had beef with jumps you into a duel but then a friend you made comes out and join in to help you ect ect. An increase on the "school sim" element is all this game really is missing.

Classes are for the most part just cutscenes and then a little minigame lesson to gain a new skill. Which is perfectly fine as the focus is ultimately on the stuff in between classes. But just something I personally would like to see more of is developing the actual school sim elements. It would help avoid what can be called the "Spiderman Problem" New York in Spiderman PS4 was amazing, but making that interesting for sequels is probably a touch challenge. Hogwarts I reckon will be the same, it's amazing for the first time but when will that wear off? adding dynamic encounters is a good way to mitigate that.

Overall I am currently ranking it a solid nine out of ten. An amazing first outing for this studio whose never done something like this before, but still room to improve. . franchise aside it is just an outstanding and masterfully made game that deserves to succeed. The developers clearly put a ton of passion into this product .I fully understand those who do not want to play this game for JoRow's attachment however I think this game is a perfect testimony that this franchise can grow beyond its creator, and be inclusive for everyone to enjoy.


Witcher 3 came out in 2015 and does nature, terrain and castles better than this game released in 2022 (in my opinion) which costs 10 dollars/euros more than Witcher did on release.

The sky was the limit for this, with all the different stuff introduced and the possibility for doing new unexplored things - and they went the safe route. The things which are lacking that you mention, are things that should've been in the game from the beginning (not including the rivals thing). There should be dynamic encounters, there should be more focus on curricular activities and all the other things which haven't had expanded depth

Quidditch, one of the main setpieces of multiple movies, isn't even included in the game - how????

This isn't just me being contrarian for the sake of it - but games like Red Dead Redemption, Elden Ring, Witcher and a myriad of other games have done a lot more to justify the pricetag than this.

To charge 60 euro/dollars for a game, you need to do better than all the games in the same category in my very humble opinion. Not just charge more because of the franchise
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
I had another stupid childish grin moment for getting my broom for the first time, and then I was taken out of it when I realized I made my wizard Tom Holland and now I can't unsee it.

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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
To charge 60 euro/dollars for a game, you need to do better than all the games in the same category in my very humble opinion. Not just charge more because of the franchise
That's just not how the industry works.
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Apr 27, 2016
That's just not how the industry works.
That's such a non-answer its incredible

The few games in this category released recently are HUGE AAA game titles that have had YEARS upon YEARS of development time going into it with content, graphical fidelity and longevity far outpacing this, if I'm right - there is no reason for this to be 60 dollars outside of it being a Harry Potter game


*sigh* ud know this if u read the silmarillion...
Feb 28, 2018
I do think the VAST majority of boycotters are great people it’s just a shame the small minority are as “passionate” as they are and it is a hard thing because it is a pretty valid reason to be upset lmao.

When it comes to LGBT issues despite being apart of them I’m just so far out of the loop and have little interest.

What I do find extremely extremely cringe is people buying the game because of the sole reason to piss off trans people.
People like that are more likely dissuade me into buying than anything else

just woke up & my post covid fatigue hittin so ill keep this brief (also in attempt to not turn this into current affairs)

im a pretty politically driven/principled person IRL & i actively attempt to moderate what i do and don’t support. vote w/ your dollar, etc.

i dont like rowling and i don’t really feel comfortable supporting her— financially or otherwise, so you wont catch me playing this personally

but imo there are just so many bigger fish to fry than whether ppl play a video game or not. there are sooooo many bigger issues to address & deal with than whether some dumb cunts are playing with sticks and brooms. just doesn’t even begin to occur to me as something to prioritize.

rowling’s a weirdo terf whose hatred of trans folk is obsessive and weird but goin at ppl who like harry potter like aggressive attack dogs doesn’t rly achieve much other than stirring shit
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Nov 5, 2019
ngl i still find it kinda funny in a bitter way that a lot of the people boycotting this game gobble up disney properties, a company that worked closely with and praised a country that is running concentration camps


Apr 26, 2016
but imo there are just so many bigger fish to fry than whether ppl play a video game or not. there are sooooo many bigger issues to address & deal with than whether some dumb cunts are playing with sticks and brooms. just doesn’t even begin to occur to me as something to prioritize.

love internet weirdos driven insane over this game and spending more time foaming at the mouth over how its some terfs IP rather than the very real anti-trans legislature that gets drafted and proposed. amazing priorities. said weirdos then proceed to bully people doing charity streams for trans organisations because they're playing funi broom game
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Apr 26, 2016
i still find it incredibly funny that this game, a game completely about playing a wizard and doing magic, has less spells than a single spell school in morrowind, a game from 2002
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Jul 21, 2016
I pre-ordered this game and I've had a fantastic time with it.
Unfortunately the PC Version got given the short straw, whether it's because the port just isn't as good or because it's using Denuvo, idk.
Finished the game for the first time as a Ravenclaw, and now I'm starting again as a Hufflepuff.

My criticisms would be the Performance and also Character Emotion, which a lot of them lack. They only use a single idling animation during almost all conversations, despite the fact that you can clearly hear the Actors and Actresses putting their heart and soul into the lines. With more animation, more movement from them, it'd be a fantastic way to make sure you aren't pulled out of the experience.

My other personal gripe is Sirona Ryan's voice.
I know they wanted to have a Trans character but jesus fuck did you need to just drop the male voice on a character
Ultimate form of pandering in my opinion because they just didn't even put a smidgen of effort into her, just a token character to claim diversity
Claire from Cyberpunk blows her out of the water.
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Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I know they wanted to have a Trans character but jesus fuck did you need to just drop the male voice on a character

well, that is the voice actor's voice

and the voice actor for sirona ryan is trans

some trans people just don't do vocal coaching
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