Serious Christmas Appreciation Thread 2018


Apr 26, 2016
right I might aswell, not in order or anything, sorry if I missed you that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you

@Pyromancer could be a brony but your presence caused such an impact on my life that I can't thank you enough, I know you're banned and shit but still, thanks for keeping me on my feet for such a long period, I'll mail you a bottle of moonshine tomorrow with me in the box

@Nexus been rocking this shit for two years bro, still keeping strong, thanks for giving me the guts to meet my girlfriend and I hope I can return that favor sometime soon

@sots bearbearbearbearbearbear

@Blue Wolf fucking hate you for playing the sans theme while we played csgo aaaaaa
do well in uni:)

@Powley please I really need food it's been a month man I can't keep going like this

@'77 East Harsh motivator, we need to talk more often and u need to get a goddamn mic yea, might get you one if the shipping fee is 54773468 mud dollars

And many many more, I'll edit this soon


Apr 26, 2016
God jul everyone, have a good one <3
forstil dig ikke at få sine gaver på juleaften

dette opslag er fremstillet af skandigang


Anglo fags btfo


Washed up S2Ker
Aug 29, 2016
Don't really go on the servers anymore, but the following people deserve the best either way:

@Danny - I know we don't talk much, but it'd be great to catch up with you again soon. Loving the art and hope the education is going well.
@gExile - not sure if you'll see this, but still the best finnish man around - remember the hairy elephant cows.
@Irithyll - fucking tomahawks.
@>MJ - when's the next UNO stream wtf.
@Raouldukejnr - epic CIA man spotted in costa rica embargoing germany.
@BANE47 - one day we'll win a 2v2.
@Roosebud - loving the work so far, hopefully can work again with you in the future.
@Calamari - where's my hunt showdown pal.
@seal - I swear i'll get to gold in season 9.
@Lynx - I'm going to buy you another bubble waffle someday.
@Chester - stop breaking the fucking beds.
@Kurumi Nya - dayz is a bad game, change my mind.
@Stalker - appreciated the intro to HL2, shame I couldn't stick around - hope you're doing well.
@MetroPaun - those nostalgia videos brought back some memories, let's hope we can make some more in the future.
@Tiger - the recoil is way too high. Bring back the M24.
@SpaceInvader - csgo sometime?
@Blackquill - it's the fucking ww3 guy again. Honestly, keep up the good work though, don't know how you deal with it sometimes.
@Kai - maybe I'll play stardew someday.
@GenericPlayer - thanks for the great times in the soviets, hope you're doing well.
@Chromesthesia_ - i'll order you that kebab.
@Rarmir - where's lorcan...
@Jaggles - best spaniard tactician i've ever met.
@afric - it's a shame scapa flow never went through, hopefully can write some more lore with you in the future pal - was always a blast.
@PEGG LEGG - i'll let you know when ww3 returns.
@Poopship McGee - character development god.
@Gaben - as much as you spammed me for custom scripts, we had some good times. Hope you're doing well man.
@Alon - alon balon.
@Bio "flusha" Junior - hop on discord sometime my man.
@Powley - when we recording your next rap famalam.
@char - still appreciate that Lindybeige recommendation, have been watching ever since.
@Mendel - have you finished that fucking turkey sandwich yet.

Sorry if I forgot or failed to add you, some of you guys are amazing and honestly there are too many people to tag on here. Staff, keep up the good work - I know how tiresome some of it can be. Everyone here deserves a great 2019, hopefully I'll be back and more active in the community by then.
Reactions: List


Feb 22, 2017
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Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
Too many people to tag, but if we've had a talk in the past year then know that I appreciate you and you should know you're great people.

Shout out to everyone.

But, big shoutout to WW3RP gang.



Gino :3

= science
Apr 26, 2016
On Christmas day itself (and days forward from that remarkable day onward), I've found some moment in the early morning to file my appreciation to all those whom I've been in contact with over the past year and what we've been through. So let us commence:

To my UIL peeps:

Thank you, @Jaggles for the amount of times I've been able to count on your consult. Leading a faction is one thing, but it requires a steady hand to it and that's what you provide. You're a good teacher, even knowing we often go in conflict, we always have the same, mutual intentions.
@Kurumi Nya - You truly know how to be reassuring in any given situation. Enjoying your chill personality in every scenario. Knowing you're quite busy in the military, I do enjoy every single bit of you around.
@General Mario, you're probably someone who I saw being re-invented in a way. I loved doing the UIL event with you and hope there may be more to come!
@Candle - Mister lovely. Sometimes you're a bit too eager, but you provide us all irresistible vibes, here at management and the faction in general.
@Tarannus - Hope you're doing alright Tar, we've been through a lot both in UIL, UIRD and WI eras and hope we can engage in multiple more interesting RP-(non)related scenarios! Still looking forward to read that paper/report!
@Novtrox - Docta Phil! But more awesome that the television star (and probably way wiser as well). Gotta love your IC involvement and active character!
@Meepy - Never thought I'd see you again in an advanced and revamped human form. But apparently, all the science RP brought something forward in you, madam physicist-in-training. Gotta love some old woman roaming the facility. Together we'll shape the future of Division 22 and the IC world :wink:
@Anides - The day you introduced someone named Thomas at the facility, I will always recall it, despite its insignificance. Yet I love your involvement on the forums!
@viomi - ** Paging Dr. Olivia Morgan ** I loved your involvement within the faction over the past months and look forward in seeing more of that around!
@ElectricTaco - Gotta say, I enjoy your presence and forum activity, one of the few that does more than only Neb my posts and actively engages in them!
@Jakoo - Not too sure where you ventured off Doctor Du, but hope to see you around some day! Recall you as an amazing scientist and it's been a while since we've gotten that Du-vibe
@Mirukushi - In love with that one character of you shouting out: "O-O-Reilly Auto parts!"
@K.M - HUUUUMMMMMMMMMM - never forget
@Nashi - One of the brightest lights to join the faction since the renovations of October!
@Duty member & @Simplest of the Simpler - Hope you guys are very happy with your very own psychology wing at UIL, looking forward in seeing y'all around in the old and new days.

Other remarkable people whom I enjoyed interacting with (even it was only for the /help requests for the excessive amounts of TPs around force-fields, static requests, etc), both within the faction, outside of it and through OOC inquiries.
@ButtonLip - Never quite managed to interact with you in before, but loving your U.S.E. character. I am DEFINITELY looking forward in seeing more of you around =D
@Blackquill - You're definitely not as grumpy as you say you are! Love your guidance and interaction, even when it is limited to a secretary that hasn't surfaced in the past 2 months...
@Dallas - Creator of Events. Creator of Sophisticated posts. Creator of crispy details in every single move a character of your spawn generates. A great man to just talk to.
@Mateozz - Westmore material, Westmore calendars, Westmore magazine covers, Westmore shaped rockets, all is bound to happen in 2019
@MangoJuicy - We're gonna get that security detail! #HatersGonnaHate
@Snookdoggy - IMMACULATE POWER YOU HAVE! Thank you for teleporting me in and around Division 22 as well as forfilling an array of static requests
@TinPan - Back in the early days of 2018, I remember you for the great and fascinating ideas you forwarded to (former UIRD) U.I.L. That server room and creation of a bio-containment facility never got old and I sure am loving your architectural wonders!
@Camellia & @Dani - Looking forward to a functioning S.O.C. in Q1 of 2019. Also Dani, thank you for the lovely chats we've had and the fun interactions we had during RP.
@Lzom - Loving interacting with you along with the daily shout-outs you provide. I feel like your the closest thing to a pager I never got my hands on, so, I'm very, very grateful for having you around (other than showing resemblance to a pager of course).

If I managed to forget anyone else, my sincerest apologies. But I do wish to share my utmost best regards for the new 365 days ahead of us (actually 367 with today and tomorrow included).

z KillerMuffin

Sep 12, 2016
Suppose I may as well do mine. Sorry, no fancy images or format. I'm kind of just rambling so the writing probably won't have much structure.

@Kurumi Nya probably the person I've spent the most time RPing with serverside back in WW3 and HL2RP. I'm not going to lie, you introduced me into the rebel scheme and helped me out so much as a new player to HL2 in this particular community. We shared a lot of the same stress while we were playing WW3 and I almost feel sorry for you having to put up with me all this time. You've been there for me with the best of your ability and I've helped you where I could as well. Absolute madwoman at CSGO (or maybe I just suck ass) but hopefully we play more games together after my vacation when you're not busy since I have a new PC. I'm forever thankful to you.

P.s. I'm finishing high school, not uni.

@Pumpkin crazy CP dude who's also been there for me as well. Kind guy and is surprisingly good at being a drug lord for a HC. I'm sorry we don't RP like we used to nor play any other games. Also sorry for that wallbang dink back in Interlopers.

@Flippy goes back all the way to 2016. He was one of the people to help me with coming back to HL2 earlier this year and RP as a whole. Unfortunately you've been busy but that's perfectly fine, hopefully in the future things will return to as they were. We've both helped each other out and I'm thankful.

@Subeh is the crazy rebel who saved me from dying to an antlion on my first day in the C8 'Outlands'. Probably not given enough appreciation for what he's done but I'm thankful nonetheless. Looking back quite a bit of what was back then was admittedly a little cringy but we had a grand old time back in 2016.

@Nexus pretty cool dude who I didn't have much interaction with in the past. But since I've comeback I've seen that you've been a good friend and I'm appreciative of you trying to keep me in on the RP despite my lack of activity on the server.

@KaythPlus the insane photoshop and designs woman. Honestly, I'm not sure what to say other than it's been a blast. Hopefully time opens up for both of us to eventually RP again.

@harry is someone I never got to know too well but someone I'd always held in high regard. It was always nice in the few and far occasions that we did RP and you were pretty welcoming yourself.

@seal Good friend from 2015 LP who brought me back to WW3RP and was always pretty chill. I know there was a bit of drama here and there but you're still a good pal.

@cepe was the dude who made me enjoy being a unit again when I was accepted into it during CW. Unfortunate that timezones and constraints don't allow us to RP like we had back then.

@K4E a recent person who's become a friend of mine. Shame we only met and RP'd nearing telhe ending of CW and never met earlier or even on WW3.

@Bio "flusha" Junior crazy dude who has been around throughout the years. Honestly I'm appreciative of you always being around and helping me out. You're probably as loyal as they come and you've helped me through quite a bit. You just gotta carry me in CSGO.

@Twippydoge known him since 2015 in WW3. Always around somehow and is constantly running amuck. We haven't done much RP nor play many games but you're alright. Nice lad I can call a friend. A bit over obsessed with dogs... and boobs... and Overwatch boobs. More than I like to know to about.

@Shazzy another WW3 dude. Never knew him before the 2017 reboot of WW3RP NATO v. Soviet. Suppose apart from the drama I have quite a bit to both be thankful and sorry for. There were some times that despite everything I can't say I'm mad over. It was fun while it lasted and I'm appreciative for the lengths you'd gone through for me, even if half of them gave me a headache. Sorry I never got better at Rocket League and I'm not a trap.

@Mendel the big memer dude from Alabama. I don't recall too much but I know we didn't always see eye-to-eye. Regardless, I suppose you were a pretty chill dude to RP with and I pity you for having witnessed a bit of the cringy shit I pulled IC which I see now. Even though I wasn't very good at games outside Gmod it was fun playing those different games with you. Perhaps there will come a time where we will do so again.

Happy Holidays guys and if I didn't mention you don't take it personally. I was just typing as it came to me so I didn't even read over what I wrote.

And how many people on this list did you erp with lol
[doublepost=1546173284][/doublepost]I’m thankful for my two year mark with these forums. Absolutely can’t wait till my one year gone achievement.
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All Adm*ns are Bastards

Apr 26, 2016
I appreciate the admins. I appreciate how they squander away their pathetic little lives in the pursuit of virtual power for it provides the rest of us with plenty of laughs. May the New Year bring you blessings, you spineless lapdogs.

Black Rain (1989)

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Chardust
Apr 26, 2016
FUCK YEAH. That’s some good shit right there.

You're a fanny.

On Christmas day itself (and days forward from that remarkable day onward), I've found some moment in the early morning to file my appreciation to all those whom I've been in contact with over the past year and what we've been through. So let us commence:

To my UIL peeps:

Thank you, @Jaggles for the amount of times I've been able to count on your consult. Leading a faction is one thing, but it requires a steady hand to it and that's what you provide. You're a good teacher, even knowing we often go in conflict, we always have the same, mutual intentions.
@Kurumi Nya - You truly know how to be reassuring in any given situation. Enjoying your chill personality in every scenario. Knowing you're quite busy in the military, I do enjoy every single bit of you around.
@General Mario, you're probably someone who I saw being re-invented in a way. I loved doing the UIL event with you and hope there may be more to come!
@Candle - Mister lovely. Sometimes you're a bit too eager, but you provide us all irresistible vibes, here at management and the faction in general.
@Tarannus - Hope you're doing alright Tar, we've been through a lot both in UIL, UIRD and WI eras and hope we can engage in multiple more interesting RP-(non)related scenarios! Still looking forward to read that paper/report!
@Novtrox - Docta Phil! But more awesome that the television star (and probably way wiser as well). Gotta love your IC involvement and active character!
@Meepy - Never thought I'd see you again in an advanced and revamped human form. But apparently, all the science RP brought something forward in you, madam physicist-in-training. Gotta love some old woman roaming the facility. Together we'll shape the future of Division 22 and the IC world :wink:
@Anides - The day you introduced someone named Thomas at the facility, I will always recall it, despite its insignificance. Yet I love your involvement on the forums!
@viomi - ** Paging Dr. Olivia Morgan ** I loved your involvement within the faction over the past months and look forward in seeing more of that around!
@ElectricTaco - Gotta say, I enjoy your presence and forum activity, one of the few that does more than only Neb my posts and actively engages in them!
@Jakoo - Not too sure where you ventured off Doctor Du, but hope to see you around some day! Recall you as an amazing scientist and it's been a while since we've gotten that Du-vibe
@Mirukushi - In love with that one character of you shouting out: "O-O-Reilly Auto parts!"
@K.M - HUUUUMMMMMMMMMM - never forget
@Nashi - One of the brightest lights to join the faction since the renovations of October!
@Duty member & @Simplest of the Simpler - Hope you guys are very happy with your very own psychology wing at UIL, looking forward in seeing y'all around in the old and new days.

Other remarkable people whom I enjoyed interacting with (even it was only for the /help requests for the excessive amounts of TPs around force-fields, static requests, etc), both within the faction, outside of it and through OOC inquiries.
@ButtonLip - Never quite managed to interact with you in before, but loving your U.S.E. character. I am DEFINITELY looking forward in seeing more of you around =D
@Blackquill - You're definitely not as grumpy as you say you are! Love your guidance and interaction, even when it is limited to a secretary that hasn't surfaced in the past 2 months...
@Dallas - Creator of Events. Creator of Sophisticated posts. Creator of crispy details in every single move a character of your spawn generates. A great man to just talk to.
@Mateozz - Westmore material, Westmore calendars, Westmore magazine covers, Westmore shaped rockets, all is bound to happen in 2019
@MangoJuicy - We're gonna get that security detail! #HatersGonnaHate
@Snookdoggy - IMMACULATE POWER YOU HAVE! Thank you for teleporting me in and around Division 22 as well as forfilling an array of static requests
@TinPan - Back in the early days of 2018, I remember you for the great and fascinating ideas you forwarded to (former UIRD) U.I.L. That server room and creation of a bio-containment facility never got old and I sure am loving your architectural wonders!
@Camellia & @Dani - Looking forward to a functioning S.O.C. in Q1 of 2019. Also Dani, thank you for the lovely chats we've had and the fun interactions we had during RP.
@Lzom - Loving interacting with you along with the daily shout-outs you provide. I feel like your the closest thing to a pager I never got my hands on, so, I'm very, very grateful for having you around (other than showing resemblance to a pager of course).

If I managed to forget anyone else, my sincerest apologies. But I do wish to share my utmost best regards for the new 365 days ahead of us (actually 367 with today and tomorrow included).

You seem nice.
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