Serious "are we losers?"

well, are we?

  • yes

  • no

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May 15, 2016
When talking to close IRL mates the subject about muh RP and stuff came up and they were really chill n stuff
Of course it spread through school though, and I often get called a loser for it
Do I really give a shit? Nah. I know that I'm helluva lot more social than any of the ones calling me out are, and I'm enjoying myself.
And I mean, it's not like it's the only thing I do. I go out and have fun wih my mates, go drinking and basically just be social IRL too.

Honestly, I couldn't give two shits if they care. They can call me a loser, I'd say I'm the winner in comparison to them who end up spending their free-time locked up in their rooms wanking and/or playing CS:GO.
Apr 26, 2016
i mean i guess it all just depends on your perspective
for example, most of my IRL friends play on PC or some other console for the most part, and spend just as much time playing on it as I do but that doesn't necessarily mean they're losers
like someone said, actors play themselves out as other people so why should roleplaying be considered as something losers do
i think it's because it's tied to a computer, and computers are associated with games, hence the stereotype of "oh you play videogames, you're a loser", as opposed to acting, which is physical.
you could say that some nerd with no life roleplays as someone completely different than themselves for the reason of being 'socially acceptable' on said server and the fact that someone of that 'status' is doing such is what makes roleplay for losers; like a place where other 'misfits' reconvene. (just a specific example)
as another example, some people get into this type of thing at a young age, or when things like sports are available, so someone might say you're a loser for playing yourself out as another person instead of being physically active/in sports with the chance to socialize
despite them not realizing that roleplay and it's communities are a good forum for socialization
it really just comes down to your definition of loser. i mean if someone is playing sports daily/being active, but they're pretty bad at it and have decided to go with it instead of moving on, you could call them a loser
then again, you can just call it dedication
but you could also apply the same thing here in some ways
say there's someone who bounces on and off of RP, but they keep coming back for some reason
maybe it's because they're losers
or maybe it's because it's a good chance to meet new people
or maybe it's because they just get bored
maybe it's just because RP gives them the chance to be what they never could be
who knows


Sep 2, 2016
tbh i dont think im one of those people who RP's because they can't have friends in real life, i just rp because i find it interesting
in real life im a cunt who abuses people for fun but also has a lot of friends who do the same, and we're all rather popular socially
i know people who have taken time off, or even full on quit school just so they have more time to RP, some of those people are good friends of mine, but they just dont have their priorities right
rp is a recreational activity made for having fun, and i see people treating it as much more than that, some people act like it's a fucking lifestyle


Washed up S2Ker
Aug 29, 2016
well it is make believe games after all , like when you watch The Big Bang Theory and see them play nerd games or role play games you laugh at them but what everyone is missing is that we have fun doing it and thats the only reason we need.
We might enjoy roleplay but others might find it stupid but we might find what they enjoy is stupid.


Mar 26, 2017
Can't really say a loser would take the time to learn all the things required to play here, a loser is the type of person to never do anything ever.

You took the time and effort to actually learn all this, play by the rules, and succeed. That makes you a winner, not a loser.


Stylish doge
Mar 27, 2017
So I saw the title of this thread and was about to scream but I actually thought about it and read the various points in the thread.

I took a step away from RP when I started working, mainly because I had the mentality that if I work from 8am until 5pm or sometimes later I have to make dinner, then that leaves me with a few hours - no time for something slow paced like roleplay. That coupled with the fact that I would go out with co-workers frequently meant I avoided the roleplay scene in general.

But the one thing I never ever did was think about it negatively, because it is and always has been a fun thing to do. If it gets to the point where just our two roleplaying communities are consuming all of you time (i.e. putting things off with friends, putting off studying) then that's when you need to distance yourself but again nothing to be ashamed of because it is fun.

I recently played a game of Dungeons and Dragons for the first time in a long long time and it dawned on me that I can jump into this server anytime I want just for a break and some enjoyment.

Definitely, the answer to this question is a firm no.

Almost as firm as @char's large breasts.
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Jan 25, 2017
Roleplayers are not losers, We're just a community who enjoy external enjoyment of trying to connect to a game further more than just play it on SP, trying to connect to the people inside the game, learn and discover more about the game (HL2 in this case). We enjoy having immersion, we enjoy having fun with people online, hearing their opinions and what they think about a game and how they RP, etc. Roleplaying as an individual in a game we adore; I don't see anything wrong with that. You shouldn't worry too much about what's gonna be in the future, you choose what you think is best, And even if you spend thousands of hours of your life RP'ing in a virtual game.
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Jan 25, 2017
For me roleplaying is not meaning to be someone else, it's creating a character from the beginning and make it evolve in a specific context. It's like creating a novel character, you invent a family, a background, a body ... your character is your creation and you control it.
Roleplaying is like playing the game without the main protagonists in it. How the game would be if all individuals (with no lore-based characters) were replaced with real people. It's kind of "amazing" in fact. You get to actually create a character in a game you have an interest in. When I first played HL2RP, I underrated it, I thought people were being over-dramatic and too serious for just a game that got popular, I was wrong. when I finally realised people roleplay just to play the game their way, seeking to see how other people would play the game while their choices can possibly affect them and others, creating a lore for themselves. Roleplaying is similar to the freedom of speech, in a way. You're not forced to play the game the way it's meant to play, there are no heroic players in HL2RP (or at least there shouldn't be any). Every choice you make has consequences, there's no 'restart' button, you make you own adventure. And that's why I think roleplaying is charming IMO.


Apr 26, 2016
If people can justify going to swinger parties or orgies as a full-time hobby and having sex with fat strangers I can justify roleplaying in a dystopia tbh.


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I've always lived with the mentality of; Do whatever the fuck makes you happy, no matter what it is, do it and don't let people judge you for it.

This community has made me feel involved in something I never thought I would be, to have climbed the ranks in staff, acquire whitelists and overall assist - in whatever amount that may be - in the upkeep and progression of this community. So has it made me happy? Fuck yeah. So how is it a waste of time?

Sure, yeah, as @seal said, I could've done a lot different with this past year, but that goes for everything doesn't it? Hell all I'll be doing in the next decade or more of my life will be servicing cars and building up my own, how is that any different? It's still a hobby, it's what makes me happy.

I think sometimes it just boils down to the fact some people are old school or brought up differently, they look at pretending to be someone you're not or staring at a monitor all day to be a waste, but at the end of the day, if it makes that person happy, why the fuck does it matter?

Just my thoughts really.
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Sep 13, 2016
yes and no lol

i don't really play as much anymore in general but when i was playing a tonne it didn't really fuck my social life, and to be honest i found LP at a time when i really wasn't very social to begin with. being a loser is something that you cause to happen, not the video games you play. i agree with seal where he brings up that he's definitely made friends with people here, and we're not exactly the cesspit of the world like some kind of bizarre second life virtual realitards, the general consensus i get is that for the most part we're just a bunch of stupid kids playing videogames together. nothing wrong with that imo. will say that if you see your gmod hours going over 100 bi weekly, which i see happening to a lot of people, that you should definetly reevaluate how you're spending your time. but beyond that i see no real issue with anything.

tl;dr if you let yourself get absorbed and do nothing else, you're a loser, if you continue to work on your social life, go to parties, have fun and get a job, it's really nobody else's business what you do with your time.
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