Kenobi teaser


Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017
obviously not, but that wasn't even my point. it's the fact that they did that so they could push this whiney, trying to act tough inquisitor as the villain of the series. if the grand inquisitor for some odd reason pops back up in this show i'll be extremely surprised. based on the predictability of disney these days, I suspect him living will be a post credit scene on the final episode
bro it's very public that he's alive. I doubt they're gonna drop the SUPER SECRET ENDCREDITS... HE'S ALIVE...

They probably just sidelined him for a way to get Vader involved and really take the place as the main villain when he probably chops off her head or smthing
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
bro it's very public that he's alive. I doubt they're gonna drop the SUPER SECRET ENDCREDITS... HE'S ALIVE...

They probably just sidelined him for a way to get Vader involved and really take the place as the main villain when he probably chops off her head or smthing
there wont be more than one episode with vader in it, hopefully im wrong


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
introducing vader in any capacity that lets him interact with obi wan ruins Episode 1 considering they straight-up say they haven't met in decades in the film


And whole beasts of nations desire power
Apr 26, 2016
show took an absolute nosedive in episode 2. everything I hate about disneys new shows/movies are in this single episode

reva 'killing' the grand inquisitor to become diverse female replacement wasn't surprising at all. it's been happening in every disney show to boot. the hawkeye show was just a way to introduce diverse female hawkeye, multiverse of madness was just to pull in america chavez, moon knight had to introduce the female character that was great at everything with no flaws, constantly saved the main character and then became stronger than him by the end of the show, loki has better in all ways with no flaws female loki. its just the new disney formula for every product theyre pushing now. young leia is no different than that. her writing is making her play at least double her age in dialogue.

reva as a character is awful. theyre trying to make her a menacing, scary villain but she has the angsty teen thing going on. the mannerisms, acting and writing worked out so much better for the other inquisitors we've seen. even kylo ren landed better (at first). reva was walked all over, the other inquisitors treated her like a bitch while she was drilling out false threats and they're trying to direct her into being a scary character.

I wanted a story about obi wan and his progression into becoming ben kenobi, but what I received was a bootleg mandalorian mini-series where hes babysitting across the galaxy again.

this is an incredibly bad take, if we got him finding himself to be ben kenobi, it probably would have been too slow to even function as a standalone series. You're far too quick to judge a character, if people watched season one of Clone wars and that's it, they'd hate Ashoka. The show runners are good at justifying character flaws, and I trust them to do that. Give her time to actually show why she's doing what she's doing, they hinted at it by showing her at the Jedi temple during order 66, she's likely to have some kind of link to both Anakin and Obi-Wan considering they both were present at the temple within this short period of events.

And Moon Knight's female protagonist was fantastic, she complimented the main character perfectly and anytime a spotlight was taken, it was deserved.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
this is an incredibly bad take, if we got him finding himself to be ben kenobi, it probably would have been too slow to even function as a standalone series. You're far too quick to judge a character, if people watched season one of Clone wars and that's it, they'd hate Ashoka. The show runners are good at justifying character flaws, and I trust them to do that. Give her time to actually show why she's doing what she's doing, they hinted at it by showing her at the Jedi temple during order 66, she's likely to have some kind of link to both Anakin and Obi-Wan considering they both were present at the temple within this short period of events.

And Moon Knight's female protagonist was fantastic, she complimented the main character perfectly and anytime a spotlight was taken, it was deserved.
There's only 4 more episodes. Idk if anyone realizes that favreau and filoni, the two people that made great star wars isn't involved with this and it's Kathleen Kennedy instead, the sequel flopper

The show runners have proven through their careers that they're not good

Deleted member 374

jesus christ denton
Apr 26, 2016
There's only 4 more episodes. Idk if anyone realizes that favreau and filoni, the two people that made great star wars isn't involved with this and it's Kathleen Kennedy instead, the sequel flopper

The show runners have proven through their careers that they're not good
your misogyny bleeds through your complaining
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GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
your misogyny bleeds through your complaining
it doesnt go that deep. if they write good characters I will like them, if they dont then I dont. I didnt like boba fett, kylo ren and some other character names I just forgot (because they were forgettable)

the inquisitor with the funky hat had better writing than reva in the short time we got to see him so far

Deleted member 93

GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I wonder how we're going to see Hayden Christensen in the show other than inside a bionic suit, and the occasional hallucinations.


Apr 27, 2016
new episode was night and day compared to the other ones

getting good


Jan 22, 2022
(Spoilers and shiz)

Personally, I disliked it, I guess I am just a lore freak or something cause I keep getting annoyed at the retcons this show keeps doing. Vader and Obi-Wan never dueled between Episode III-IV atleast it is heavily implied from Episode IV. I didn't like how early Vader was introduced and now it seems like Reva has just become a sidekick to Vader up until Kenobi inevitebaly escapes and she gets killed or has a redemption arc then is killed.

Vader in the duel understandably wins but when he throws Obi-Wan out of the fire he extinguishes it with the force, yet doesn't do this again when the fire is reignited allowing Kenobi to escape. Hopefully this will be explained in the next episode but right now I fail to understand why Vader, the man with an obsession with finding Kenobi, lets him escape.

Also hope they wrote in a way for Kenobi to become a good dueler again, especially considering in Episode IV he put up a half-decent fight with Vader.

Toast Lord

Oct 21, 2017
Forgot this thread existed. Got through the third episode a few hours. But Im a bit confused in some spots

The first episode opening was just kinda boring. Seeing the two most experienced inquisitors do nothing while Reva actually does something like take out her saber is just kinda weird. And watching them get stopped by literal sticks and cloth in their way just set the stage that they were gonna be kinda incompetent ironically, Reva is the one that seems to be the most competent inquisitor thus far in the series. She's actually taking the time to publicly go out and say 'Don't side with traitors this is what happens', seeing the inquisitors chastise Reva for being too loose of a cannon is kinda stupid. Especially with how they acted during fallen order. And ESPECIALLY seeing the third episode where Vader just comes out and kills three people just cause he has a hunch someone he wants is in the area.

Second episode just kinda left me with more questions, i.e the obvious one of how Reva knows who Vader is, and the significance of Obi-Wan being to Anakin? Why does Bail still have communication with Obi-Wan? seems like a bit of a risk. Is the old clone part of the intro or previous 66 scenes we've seen? Why does the Grand Inquisitor tolerate Reva's actions for so long even after he clearly see's she's going against his wishes and doesn't order troops after her? The fact Reva is allowed to out of line (according to other inquisitors) is kinda weird considering Vader personally killed 2 inquisitors: One for acting out of line, the other for having affection for the first.

Third episode was pretty neat, seeing the PTSD Obi-Wan is dealing with and how he's envisioning Anakin in some spots. Just wish the fight was longer, since the attention was split between a pinnacle scene in the episode (Possibly the series) and Leia/Reva running in the tunnels. Seeing James Earl Jones come back is always a massive plus. But I cant help but imagine Reva is going to get fucking destroyed at the end of this series at some point, since obviously the Grand Inquisitor has to wake up at some point and tell Vader the truth.

Kinda interesting in some spots, really wanting to see what happens towards the end.


GTA RP Playtester
Dec 11, 2016
still dont really like the show. its improving, but still disappointing

leia's character was much better this episode. in the first two she felt like both a 25 year old and a 5 year old occupying the same body. this time she expressed herself in a way I thought was believable for someone her age. the scene I liked the most by an absolute mile was the hitchhiking sequence

I also really liked the imperial double agent woman. it caught me completely off guard and then we got to discover just enough about who she is and her personality throughout the episode, probably the best written character of the series so far
I still got the low budget feel this episode. there was an uncanny valley feel going on when vader was sitting on the throne at the beginning of the episode, and that scene I think removed a lot of the weight he would have for me. if they kept it from reva's perspective and we only had an audible vader up until he was revealed on the mining planet then I would have felt the impact a lot more

I still can't get behind reva. her motivation of personal greed just isn't making her a good villain in my eyes. she has no personal code she follows to get to her end goal. vader at least is manipulative and has that whole thing going 'if u fail me u die, if u do good u get promotions'. plus, he has a personal grievance with obi-wan to be going after him to this extent. if she swapped personalities with the dude in the hat she would be astronomically better as a character

the continuity of the tunnels seems pretty scuffed. im sure its implied that the tunnel has some branches or something. im not sure how reva figured out where the other end of the tunnel was without going through it, and then make it there before leia did. same for the other imperial double agent woman, I guess she made it back after reva already left then ran to obi wan. still, im not sure how she knew where to even find him and how she made it there that quick considering she was in the tunnel. I think it's a pretty good example of the low effort writing that's going into this series up to now
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Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017
i'd imagine the reason that vader let him go is either to 1. see him 'suffer' more or 2. figure out why tf he came out of hiding in the first place

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
leia's character was much better this episode. in the first two she felt like both a 25 year old and a 5 year old occupying the same body. this time she expressed herself in a way I thought was believable for someone her age. the scene I liked the most by an absolute mile was the hitchhiking sequence

tbf tho like, she's a force-sensitive child who by time the OT happens is a senator at like age 18 and not long after a general of a full-scale rebellion. i don't think it's entirely out of character from my perspective at least. i'd like to think carrie fisher would love little leia.

and her birth mom was queen/senator at 14 who had a whole thing of her own going on naboo in the prequels.

i think just star wars has this thing for making really really young people way more mature for their age and putting them in positions of power. jedi order literally a bunch of child soldiers with space magic.

i haven't seen ep3 yet tho. overall i'm enjoying the series so far with the first 2 episodes.
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