Shit that happened in your school(s)


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
so this happened literally fucking today
so i go to a special school because im a tard

most of the kids there are pretty normal just have adhd

but there's this one little shit called tyler
imagine a lanky cuck with glasses, completely bald because he thinks hes a hardman
so he gets told off for doing an swear to a teacher
'tyler dont swear'
tyler stands up
kid is fucking 6'2
stares at this teacher [according to the guy in his class]
this is what i hear
screeches like a xenomorph at the top of his lungs
im in the kitchen when this is happening
he comes running in
'oh shit dude give me that'
takes the bottle of apple squash we have, shit you need to put water in
chugs it like it was lemonade on a hot august day
:heyzeus: reminds me of chippo man story
we had chip shop for lunch since thats what they do on thursday, idk why maybe its cus we're all tards
i throw a chip at him, :heyzeus: screeches and runs into a door
literally fucking ko'd himself
my face when i got off scott free
my face when he's been expelled

edit: fucking chrome glitching not posting the full story fuck
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Jun 25, 2016
Oh I actually have one more story relating to gyp... ROMANI PEOPLE. YOU KNOW, TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT REEEEEEE


there was this little gypsy kid. He used to approach guys much older than him (by 5 or 6 years) and threaten them to "suck (or smoke, the word can have both meanings) their teeth". When someone finally snapped and punched the guy he was almost detained for "attacking a younger student"
the thing with romani people/gypsies in Czech republic is that.. they cause a lot of trouble. Like, I'm not racist. I don't immediately think "oh he must be a fucking asshole" each time I see one, but they usually prove to me that they are. They often break the laws and stir trouble and they are known for how unhygienic, uneducated and unwilling to change they are.
Also they do a piss poor job raising their kids.

*honk honk*

transcended p doggo
Apr 26, 2016
Oh I actually have one more story relating to gyp... ROMANI PEOPLE. YOU KNOW, TO BE POLITICALLY CORRECT REEEEEEE


there was this little gypsy kid. He used to approach guys much older than him (by 5 or 6 years) and threaten them to "suck (or smoke, the word can have both meanings) their teeth". When someone finally snapped and punched the guy he was almost detained for "attacking a younger student"
the thing with romani people/gypsies in Czech republic is that.. they cause a lot of trouble. Like, I'm not racist. I don't immediately think "oh he must be a fucking asshole" each time I see one, but they usually prove to me that they are. They often break the laws and stir trouble and they are known for how unhygienic, uneducated and unwilling to change they are.
Also they do a piss poor job raising their kids.
that's world-wide


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
the thing with romani people/gypsies in Czech republic is that.. they cause a lot of trouble. Like, I'm not racist. I don't immediately think "oh he must be a fucking black asshole" each time I see one, but they usually prove to me that they are. They often break the laws and stir trouble and they are known for how unhygienic, uneducated and unwilling to change they are.
Also they do a piss poor job of raising their kids.
its okay you just dont like :heyzeus:
that aint racist


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
actually boys i got another one

so this was my first highschool
theres a room in the basement
this is where they teach the tards
tards get to play, what i think one of them called 'Eccks baaaah' if they do good work
they /never/ did good work
i had to help down there a couple times during lunch [i got paid for it so its cool]
big fat guy, lets call him tard a
he's fucking year 11 and can't tie his shoelaces properly, his fat fuck feet keep getting stuck in them though so they stay on
this is around the time that GCSEs are done
so hes talking about this to the younger tards, they sit around him and listen to his retarded wisdom like hes fucking zenyatta
'im doing big test'
i sit in the corner eating pizza since they served pizza down here and that shit was good
tards always ate carrots i think it was a fucking sex thing or some shit
like raw fucking carrots
so we got these seeing in the dark bat tards down in the basement who all worship this Quasimodo zenyatta lookalike whos spittin wisdom about gcses

fast forward a week, he sits his gcse
comes running out of the basement, starts to climb the ladder to get out instead of using the stairs
fyi the ladder comes out just outside the library
gcse are being done in the library
he screams into the library
'you all fuck dumb'
eats his gcse paper and goes home

kid was called adrian and i think he does crack now
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lesbian sausage

Jun 5, 2016
actually boys i got another one

so this was my first highschool
theres a room in the basement
this is where they teach the tards
tards get to play, what i think one of them called 'Eccks baaaah' if they do good work
they /never/ did good work
i had to help down there a couple times during lunch [i got paid for it so its cool]
big fat guy, lets call him tard a
he's fucking year 11 and can't tie his shoelaces properly, his fat fuck feet keep getting stuck in them though so they stay on
this is around the time that GCSEs are done
so hes talking about this to the younger tards, they sit around him and listen to his retarded wisdom like hes fucking zenyatta
'im doing big test'
i sit in the corner eating pizza since they served pizza down here and that shit was good
tards always ate carrots i think it was a fucking sex thing or some shit
like raw fucking carrots
so we got these seeing in the dark bat tards down in the basement who all worship this Quasimodo zenyatta lookalike whos spittin wisdom about gcses

fast forward a week, he sits his gcse
comes running out of the basement, starts to climb the ladder to get out instead of using the stairs
fyi the ladder comes out just outside the library
gcse are being done in the library
he screams into the library
'you all fuck dumb'
eats his gcse paper and goes home

kid was called adrian and i think he does crack now
Some retards in Special Needs classes in my school tried to start a fist fight. One of them must've weighed about 90kg while he was in Y7 and tried to slap a Year 10 who is about 6'4, he's 3 times as tall as me. The kid accidentally slaps his ballsack and trips over. Year 10 kicks his stomach once when he falls. If he was naked in slow-mo you would've seen about 15 sizable portions for poor africans hit the dirt. He started crying like a little bitch and the year 10 got in detention even though his good connection with buying shit tried to back him up. I think the Year 7 gets bullied to shit and he got crippling depression and tried to lose weight.
He failed.
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Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
Some retards in Special Needs classes in my school tried to start a fist fight. One of them must've weighed about 90kg while he was in Y7 and tried to slap a Year 10 who is about 6'4, he's 3 times as tall as me. The kid accidentally slaps his ballsack and trips over. Year 10 kicks his stomach once when he falls. If he was naked in slow-mo you would've seen about 15 sizable portions for poor africans hit the dirt. He started crying like a little bitch and the year 10 got in detention even though his good connection with buying shit tried to back him up. I think the Year 7 gets bullied to shit and he got crippling depression and tried to lose weight.
He failed.
bullying is nOT okay guys gosh......
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Apr 26, 2016
Meh, some areas are peaceful I guess. I know a 15 yo girl who deals it around the place where I live.
i don't know if sweden is particularly peaceful or smth but here kids as young as 13 are used to deal drugs
mabye just cause I grew up in a rich white suburbia where everyone was friendly to eachother and there was never any fights n shit
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Apr 26, 2016
thats why ur racist
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