Shit that happened in your school(s)


Jun 30, 2016
I remember my friends telling me in school some kid came up to a girl and grabbed her boobs. Like literally, came up and grabbed it with two hands. That kid was one of the weirdest children I've ever met. He's basically an attention seeker. One time, he ate a sandwich and spat it all out onto a group of people. Let's just say, everyone ran away and doused themselves in bleach

Khaatamul Nasheed

Jan 11, 2017
back in '04 when i was a wee little lad there was a fight that half the shcool was in at lunch.


Apr 27, 2016
Had a threesome in the school bathroom with two girls. Got caught and we were all sent to the principals office. After that it turned into a foursome.
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Apr 28, 2016
Some dude hit me with a two by four in woodshop, 9th grade. It wasn't a hard hit, cause he fuckin tossed it across the room, but it hurt like hell. Now I was a wee chubster at this point. I had legs, from carrying my fat arse everywhere, and I'd just started losing lotsa weight at the time, but I still had the chubs.So I fuckin launch myself after the guy after finishing a cringy screaming rage about killing him for throwing it at me. Chased him down the hall, he took ahard right and I did one of those scrabbly-turns to follow him. Tackled him into a snowbank once we got outside. We beat the shit outta eachother, and I broke his knuckles. NExt week we were inseparable best buds, shared a locker all 10th grade too. We even used to drink weird homebrew shit before gym class.

Uh, 11th year someone left more than a couple dimebags of purple in the geometry room, over the weekend. It fucking STANKY on monday right?
So all the 12th grader 'dudes' and their friends would come up to the class while it was in session, open it, take a big whiff, go "ahhhhhh" then flip the teach a thumbs up, and leave. Funniest fuckin shit I ever saw, not gonna lie. After the third time, the teacher couldn't even be arsed to give them detention. The room was stanky for a good three days or so.

Again in 11th year, winter, we had this MASSIVE ass fucking snow pile out in the parking lot, near the middle of winter. All the parking lot plows piled snow up on this bigass thing, and we'd had several blizzards in a row. So some guy gets the bright idea to make it into a slide right? So he spends days smoothing out this path for a slide down the side of the thing. When it's finally ready, he announces it on facebook to his mates. Someone fucking places a bump in the centre of it, near the bottom. Buddy goes down it, his face is blue when he hits the bottom. Got nicknamed ballbreaker for months after that, poor guy.

Last one, actually a combination of my 12 year, and some aftergrad. So there was this gril, i kinda had the hots for her (a lot) but I didn't get along with some of her friends. Eventually she hooks up with this guy, like a 400 pound blubber whale. Meanwhile she's this tiny little thing. She's like barely 5 feet, and I could lift her with one arm, she weighed like 70-90 or something. He's fucking about 5'10-6', and he weighs enough to make bleachers creak, and that you'd never want him sitting on you. So they hook up, and after a while he starts BLATANTLY bragging about every detail of their sex life while he's on break. He had the same break as me, and he admitted later to doing it just to get on my nerves. So I always carried around a pocket knife. Specifically a CRKT M16 for woodshop and general utility. When I didn't have woodshop or anything that needed utility, I had my swiss army knife with the smaller blade, just for messing around with. I was playing around with my CRKT during break one day, just idly cutting paper, twirling it and shit, with my headphones on as I watched some videos on my laptop. Apparently he got scared and saw this as a threat (I didn't even register his presence that day ngl)

So the guy fuckin runs to the Dean and tells her that he fears for his safety, and I bring a knife to school, and I threaten him with it etc. So I get called in, that same day, and the Dean tells me that she knows I have a knife, but I could be brought in for criminal charges etc etc. So I say "yeah sure miss, I've got a knife", and I pull a plastic butter knife outta my bag. She looks at me. I know she knows I'm lying, cause she's seen my knife before. But I'd also always been on good terms with her, and nobody ever beleived a word the other guy said.

So she talks me into giving up me 'knife' and I hand over my swiss army blade (mainly because I didn't really wanna get any shitty criminal charges). Again, she knows that it's not the 'knife' that was spoken of, but she lets it go at this point. Because if I /were/ to hand in the CRKT, I'd have to be expelled because it's not legally a tool.

Fast forward a couple weeks, this guy is bragging about his grades, and how he got my knife taken away from me etc (She told him my knife had been confiscated, but not which one). So I decided to be slightly edgy, and I nonchalantly take out my CRKT and start etching random shapes into the table, and holy shit he shut up so fast.

Fast foward another couple weeks, graduation time. The guy failed 12th grade and got held back. His tiny girlfriend got transferred to a delinquency school, and he's basically pissed off everyone he knew, with the exception of a select few weirdos.

Fast foward a year, and I get a text from the girl, I still had her on facebook. She's lolpregnant, whaleman left her, and she and wants my advice.

>16 and pregnant. Cornwall's a shitty place.
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LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
I think the only thing of note that I can remember is a couple of things:
1 I was in the playground and there was a massive crowd gathered round. I looked towards it and I shit you not I saw probably the tallest, biggest lad in my year kicking the shit out of someone on the floor. The teachers came in a bit and separated it, and I swear I saw blood all over that guys face and the ambulance was called
2 Was about a year ago, and basically the majority of our school who stay in for lunch (500 people easily) emptied out of the playground and went around the corner (still in the school, just not a part of the playground) and they were just all screaming and being fucking banshees pointing and screaming at this kid who was on the floor with his head in his arms. Teachers came in less than a minute, like 5 of them at once, and got the kid out of the middle of that, and he was a crying mess. Fucked up how the herd mentality is huh?


Jan 14, 2017
So our school went on lock down once. The lock down wasn't super organized like a drill, it was when we were all heading to class. So our principle comes out yelling, screaming, and flipping out at students telling us we're on lock down and to get to a class room and that creates mass panic. So the next thing you see is a horde of kids yelling and screaming running away to try and get to a class room. So what do you do? You follow the crowd and start yelling and screaming. A huge group of students, including me, went to the band hall and had the teacher lock all of the doors. So now there is a group of about 30 students watching the teacher freak out and we see this one student out in the hall. He comes up to every door in the hall, starts banding on the doors screaming "LET ME IN, LET ME IN!" over and over again. It was somebody I knew, and I later found out he went to the restroom and started crying because he thought there was an active shooter on campus. Well, it turns out there was someone running from the police near our school and he was believed to be armed, but that was the weirdest day of school ever.

steve maxwell

Apr 27, 2016
At some point he gained a fuckton of them from his unwarranted victories and some other loser came crying to the teachers. This caused the school to ban cards entirely. To no one's surprise, this sparked a lot of lulz from nerds.
Similar story at my school, except without a cheater. So way back when, There was these trading cards which were popular as f*ck (I think they were doctor who related) and trading cards with each other was rife. then one guy was unhappy with the trade, and went crying to the teacher, which led to a ban of trading the cards (very similar to your story). Not that it stopped us, since It pretty much became a black market for several months afterwards until It faded away naturally, like most crazes do.

There was also the time where I guessed the code to the back door of my school, and let my entire class in 11 minutes early.
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May 10, 2016
elementary school (gr 1 to 5) was filled with nothing but thug lyfe where i attended

the highlight of that school was a dog pile of 30ish kids fighting each other right on the playground. it didn't just spontaneously happen

it was literally one guy punched the other, then he punched back, then it became a fight

friends of both came outta nowhere and joined the fight trying to dog pile the one guy who wasn't their friend

friends of friends came outta nowhere seeing the fight from afar and join it

i was watching the whole thing and some cunt nearly rams a fist in my face so i also joined the fight

we all sat in detention for the day because they couldn't prove who started the fight since we had no camera's in the playground


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
elementary school (gr 1 to 5) was filled with nothing but thug lyfe where i attended

the highlight of that school was a dog pile of 30ish kids fighting each other right on the playground. it didn't just spontaneously happen

it was literally one guy punched the other, then he punched back, then it became a fight

friends of both came outta nowhere and joined the fight trying to dog pile the one guy who wasn't their friend

friends of friends came outta nowhere seeing the fight from afar and join it

i was watching the whole thing and some cunt nearly rams a fist in my face so i also joined the fight

we all sat in detention for the day because they couldn't prove who started the fight since we had no camera's in the playground

That sounds fun.


Apr 26, 2016
elementary school (gr 1 to 5) was filled with nothing but thug lyfe where i attended

the highlight of that school was a dog pile of 30ish kids fighting each other right on the playground. it didn't just spontaneously happen

it was literally one guy punched the other, then he punched back, then it became a fight

friends of both came outta nowhere and joined the fight trying to dog pile the one guy who wasn't their friend

friends of friends came outta nowhere seeing the fight from afar and join it

i was watching the whole thing and some cunt nearly rams a fist in my face so i also joined the fight

we all sat in detention for the day because they couldn't prove who started the fight since we had no camera's in the playground

Did you got to the school of grim patrons.