Serious Christmas Appreciation Thread 2018


Mr. Mineside
Apr 26, 2016
@Pumpkin you're cool
@Sectus i fucking hate you i hate you i hate you IH ATER YOU WHY CANT I GO INTO RB6
@Dan hey look a zombie *runs*
@Sambo lick my stick
@Subeh you're banned
@Braker you had a cool character :"(
@shad cool bro bro bro cool cool he came from my other servers he played on i can't tell you though
@key i abuse your faction daily
@Elizabeth yyou're a man
@Dani stop being sick loser
@Linntrix dude thanks for letting me be the arbiter
@Flanders thanks for being my slave with photoshop
@Camellia hi tzula
@Jaydawg fatass
@Gazra fatass
@Baker bakers dozen LOL get it
@.:BurningFox:. loser
@K4E loser
@Blackquill uhh
@Shrike commie get out of my country
@Whilty i like old women
@DoubleD hi
@Knight EPU is a good rank agree ok
@Candle jamison
@Slim old news
@harry :-3
@Uranio =)
@Jaggles united institute of liberty
The ever increasing effect of roleplay-itis has never made a man so diillusioned with the world Chez has genuinely been sucked into the thing me, @Pumpkin and @SpinE call the Shadow-Realm.

God help you, and your humanity.
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Deleted member 5162



Hi, writing from a SWRP Community, its pretty fun!

So, this year's been pretty... I don't know, rough and easy at the same time? Well its certainly better than 2017, I had a lot of fun while playing and actually learned something, rather than just playing and be a dumbass guy, honestly, I was a really stupid guy, did a lot of mingy stuff and was probably a member of the most toxic community, but when I played nebulous, man, I sure changed.
I want to thank each and every one of you, I am not going to list every person and simply forget someone, instead, I am just going to thank you all for giving me such an unforgettable experience and changing me, I'll never regret joining.
Lets not forget @Jaf , he might have massacre'd everyone, but he did it out of anger, something we can't hold, at least not every person can.
Forgive him and let him play some day, didn' even get a chance to take a look on Helix.

With Love from.
(my name is Rob in there)
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Apr 26, 2016
@RetroPirate1 - my man forever
@Goatson - good pal for longer than a year now, very cool.
@Plankster - 2016 gang
@Zarail - x1 dumb
@Tinbe - old friend
@Isuckatgaming - dane
@Surrator - Quality memer, very cool guy.
@DoubleD - big dick canadian
@Nicrobe - CAVOLO

and finally @Blackquill

I'm back to the community after a long hiatus, and I'm always trying to improve and go against my general toxic nature, but I do apologize if I ever do become toxic, because most of the time I don't think about how others may react to my posts, which can and is inconsiderate of me. I apologize for this.
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Jan 25, 2017
@Ally you fucking suck at csgo fUKC YOU you fucking melafefon
@Pinka haha remember that time when we were playing desolate and i was so shit at the game i died to a guy with a pipe and you tried saving me and you died as well and we lost everything but since the game doesn't allow you to start a new game we just stopped playing it because we lost a lot of items haha good times innit? love you


Nov 17, 2016
Hi, it's Tera or Leewise chang

I've been having a shitty time recently but got a few tags here which has lighten up my day.
I am not the type to speak out my honest feelings at all, especially on a forum like this but I guess for this christmas, I just want to really go all out for it. Generally, I suck at social life and online, I am the epitome of shit friend and a bit of a loser as well. Thus, its why I want to give my thanks to the following people who I'm grateful for and able to put up with me.

The first nebulous roleplayer I've friended in WW3RP and to this day, I want to thank you for your long friendship and dedication over the couple of years. You showed me around on whats the good meme and the bad meme of WW3RP and neb. I've always hoped that one day we could do that Korean bros shit again

Real funny lad making me fucking laugh my seal laugh, I've always enjoyed our times together doing stupid nazi shit on games. WW3RP highlights were the best. Ought to continue or coop games. Or do subnautica lets plays.

One of the reasons I'm glad I bought stellaris is because I met you through it. You're a good lad and I'm grateful for our friendships as well.

I remember how when i first told u about the scalie thing cuz of your pfps and stuff. Kinda crazy how friendship spanned out lot from that shit. always enjoyed ur company of commie memes, one day we'll have vc vs gi match

ive met a lot of head admins but honestly ur the chill one that memes like a fuckhead from time to time without losing ur shit. approachable lad. Never lose that trait of yours as a head admin. You deserve more good than shit tbh

Same for you lad, thanks again for giving me the chance to be an admin and thanks for making ww3rp as something that I could enjoy after a long busy week.

congratulations, you turned me from a conservative authoritarian monarchist freak to a less conservative but more liberal cunt. Still glad for our friendship and our times on just chilling and chatting and making memes out of someone hehe :grinning:

you're honestly the only guy who rated agree and neb on my every post and for that i fucking love you because u have no idea how insecure i am actually on about shit like that and to know one guy agrees with me helps me chill even more. We need to talk more.

Another person i can talk real deep with. I know we havent been talking much and I do hope college/uni is doing well for you mate. I enjoyed working with you as an admin, even though i see you as a rival. Friendly rival, you could call it. One day, we ought to have a game again.

Similar to the rest, real funny lad that you can just meme and chat a while. Honestly, im glad u added me again on steam recently :grinning:

thanks for inviting me again to relive good memories on ww3rp. ppl talk shit bout u but real shit, u were a cool cunt who does it right.

thanks for giving me the chance to work on your server and to administrate it. I had wished it to be a great success.

@Fuck Logic
Thanks for introducing me around to ww3rp and being a helpful lad. We need to do a bit more gaming and conversing around. fuck busy life. Lets go HOI4

Other lads who I am grateful for.
@Tiger - thanks for saving my ass with ur glorious s2k skill
@SGT Angel - when can we rice farm again?
@Gaben - the ultimate mastermind behind tactical strategy
@Joe Thompson - u have a funny laugh, dont ever forget that
@Alon - coolest jew around, wished id hang around more with ye.
@BANE47 - inshallah, we shall meet again brother
@ramsgater - sophia x jian when
@GenericPlayer - the only communist id be best friends with. thanks for trusting my leadership roles
@WeakenedHen5 - spetsnaz lad, i honestly regret leaving spetsnaz behind at one point to join nato. go save lives, doctor man
@Husky - ur a commie cunt but i still appreciate u in ww3rp
@cookiro - ww3rp lad who died on a spinning wheel playground thing. will never forget that cunt
@Chester - thanks for giving me corporal on soviet union. i hope you are well man
@char - your memes were the best and so was ur leadership.
@Mendel - will always remember the inspirational jump u did in austria.
@Evil - your posts on current affairs are legendary status and contributed largely to the hilarity of a thread which puts my sides into the orbits half the time, so thanks for that.
@afric - i know we havent talk much but we had some good times on ussr
@Poopship McGee - helped me a lot in NATO, always appreciated it man.
@Dr.Towers - thanks for the stellaris games and the fucking memes you always make man
@Mic15000 - you too u fucking jew
@Pict - you too as well, enjoyed your stellaris memes too
@Haldur - honestly, if it werent for stellaris, i wouldnt meet u guys who are funny as fuck in it
@Chromesthesia_ - whatever u do cunt, dont lose ur laugh
@Shock - thanks for being one of the nicest cunts on ww3rp
@swexs - wherever u are, i hope u didnt hit ur head on a fridge door again
@Zak - some scalie thing again, same with dingo. thanks for all ur dev work too
@mpower - chill lad, enjoyed the times where u were a sadistic american working for the soviet union
@spectry/spectre ( cant find ur name) - notable guy who weve shittalk and do stupid shit on spetsnaz
@Mesa - im sorry i ever shittalk u in the beginning, ur actually a cool lad who deserved good shit
@uncle kev - thx kgb dazza
@SpaceInvader - space? space??? SPACEEEEEE!
@NastyNippleS (wtf cant find) - why is ur name that in the first place
@Danny - cool guy on njsoc, thx man.
@Rengar - enjoyed our talks on steam as well, also ottoman had a cool anthem.
@Raouldukejnr - only met for a bit but i enjoyed our chat about china. you have a good mindset

sorry i forgot some of u (plz msg me if i did) most of u guys are amazing and id genuinely wanna meet most of u irl.
thanks thats all, have a good xmas.
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A turtle made it to the water
Apr 26, 2016
Hi, it's Tera or Leewise chang

I've been having a shitty time recently but got a few tags here which has lighten up my day.
I am not the type to speak out my honest feelings at all, especially on a forum like this but I guess for this christmas, I just want to really go all out for it. Generally, I suck at social life and online, I am the epitome of shit friend and a bit of a loser as well. Thus, its why I want to give my thanks to the following people who I'm grateful for and able to put up with me.

The first nebulous roleplayer I've friended in WW3RP and to this day, I want to thank you for your long friendship and dedication over the couple of years. You showed me around on whats the good meme and the bad meme of WW3RP and neb. I've always hoped that one day we could do that Korean bros shit again

Real funny lad, I've always enjoyed our times together doing stupid nazi shit on games. WW3RP highlights were the best.

One of the reasons I'm glad I bought stellaris is because I met you through it. You're a good lad and I'm grateful for our friendships as well.

I remember how when i first told u about the scalie thing cuz of your pfps and stuff. Kinda crazy how friendship spanned out lot from that shit. always enjoyed ur company of commie memes, one day we'll have vc vs gi match

ive met a lot of head admins but honestly ur the chill one that memes like a fuckhead from time to time without losing ur shit. approachable lad. Never lose that trait of yours as a head admin. You deserve more good than shit tbh

Same for you lad, thanks again for giving me the chance to be an admin and thanks for making ww3rp as something that I could enjoy after a long busy week.

congratulations, you turned me from a conservative authoritarian monarchist freak to a less conservative but more liberal cunt. Still glad for our friendship and our times on just chilling and chatting and making memes out of someone hehe :grinning:

you're honestly the only guy who rated agree and neb on my every post and for that i fucking love you because u have no idea how insecure i am actually on about shit like that and to know one guy agrees with me helps me chill even more. We need to talk more.

Another person i can talk real deep with. I know we havent been talking much and I do hope college/uni is doing well for you mate. I enjoyed working with you as an admin, even though i see you as a rival. Friendly rival, you could call it. One day, we ought to have a game again.

Similar to the rest, real funny lad that you can just meme and chat a while. Honestly, im glad u added me again on steam recently :grinning:

thanks for inviting me again to relive good memories on ww3rp. ppl talk shit bout u but real shit, u were a cool cunt who does it right.

thanks for giving me the chance to work on your server and to administrate it. I had wished it to be a great success.

@Fuck Logic
Thanks for introducing me around to ww3rp and being a helpful lad. We need to do a bit more gaming and conversing around. fuck busy life.

Other lads who I am grateful for.
@Tiger - thanks for saving my ass with ur glorious s2k skill
@SGT Angel - when can we rice farm again?
@Gaben - the ultimate mastermind behind tactical strategy
@Joe Thompson - u have a funny laugh, dont ever forget that
@Alon - coolest jew around, wished id hang around more with ye.
@BANE47 - inshallah, we shall meet again brother
@ramsgater - sophia x jian when
@GenericPlayer - the only communist id be best friends with. thanks for trusting my leadership roles
@WeakenedHen5 - spetsnaz lad, i honestly regret leaving spetsnaz behind at one point to join nato. go save lives, doctor man
@Husky - ur a commie cunt but i still appreciate u in ww3rp
@cookiro - ww3rp lad who died on a spinning wheel playground thing. will never forget that cunt
@Chester - thanks for giving me corporal on soviet union. i hope you are well man
@char - your memes were the best and so was ur leadership.
@Mendel - will always remember the inspirational jump u did in austria.
@Evil - your posts on current affairs are legendary status and contributed largely to the hilarity of a thread
@afric - i know we havent talk much but we had some good times on spetsnaz
@Poopship McGee - helped me a lot in NATO, always appreciated it man.
@Dr.Towers - thanks for the stellaris games and the fucking memes you always make man
@Mic15000 - you too u fucking jew
@Pict - you too as well, enjoyed your stellaris memes too
@Haldur - honestly, if it werent for stellaris, i wouldnt meet u guys who are funny as fuck in it
@Chromesthesia_ - whatever u do cunt, dont lose ur laugh
@Shock - thanks for being one of the nicest cunts on ww3rp
@swexs - wherever u are, i hope u didnt hit ur head on a fridge door again
@Zak - some scalie thing again
@mpower - chill lad, enjoyed the times where u were a sadistic american working for the soviet union
@spectry/spectre ( cant find ur name) - notable guy who weve shittalk and do stupid shit on spetsnaz
@Mesa - im sorry i ever shittalk u in the beginning, ur actually a cool lad who deserved good shit
@uncle kev - thx kgb dazza
@SpaceInvader - space? space??? SPACEEEEEE!
@NastyNippleS (wtf cant find) - why is ur name that in the first place
@Danny - cool guy on njsoc, thx man.
@Rengar - enjoyed our talks on steam as well, also ottoman had a cool anthem.
@Raouldukejnr - only met for a bit but i enjoyed our chat about china. you have a good mindset

sorry i forgot some of u (plz msg me if i did) most of u guys are amazing and id genuinely wanna meet most of u irl.
thanks thats all, have a good xmas.
take a shot everytime this man says lad
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