Shit that happened in your school(s)


Nov 20, 2016
Post wild shit that happened in your school, whether it was years ago or recently
Most of the stories I have are from when I was somewhat young, so without further ado:

There was this kid who wouldn't stop farting, burping and more. I'm not even joking nor exaggerating; he would expel flatulence at a moments notice. All of this happened pretty much everywhere he went, even in class. We'll call him Timmy.

One day Timmy unleashed the kraken. I was right behind him as he let out a toxic cloud of ass gas into my face while I was writing shit down. The kid infront of him turned around to see what was going on and Timmy released a large burp he had probably been holding for two months. I clinged for my life as his best accomplishment in his life filled up inside of my lungs. Everyone was looking at Timmy who looked more than happy to unleash even more liquid ass into the room. They all started telling him to stop and some even called for the teacher, who didn't seem to give not even half a damn. Timmy broke down into tears, having just been defeated. I thought we were victorious and he learned his lessons, but no. He stood up, shit just got real. He howled a loud banshee call/screech and charged at me with full might (none, in terms of actual physical strength). He tried clawing and biting me, but his most effective attack was his uncontrollable burping straight in my face. The teacher simply watched while telling him to calm down. After a while of dodging and 100% pain, he did, and the bell rang not soon after.
What the fuck.

Then there was this one time where another kid who was good at kicking balls really far into the sky fucked up with epic proportions. He often kicked them out of the court by accident, which got him in trouble a lot, but nowhere near as close as this. I watched him kick a ball into the air, and it stayed there for a good while. When I saw it come down, it landed right ontop of a poor little kid who got absolutely destroyed from the impact. The teacher who was observing the courtyard saw it and started walking towards him. This is when he realized, that this time, he was royally fucked for good.

Another epic fuckup was when a kid brought a fake card which was overpowered and started beating everyone playing cards. At some point he gained a fuckton of them from his unwarranted victories and some other loser came crying to the teachers. This caused the school to ban cards entirely. To no one's surprise, this sparked a lot of lulz from nerds.

And to finish my collection of stories, we had this nerdy girl who wore glasses and usually had mucus coming out of her nose. It's like she didn't know what tissues were, which I'm pretty sure was the case. One time we were in class with no teachers and I don't remember why, but she said "la ferme" (french for shut up) to someone, then burst into tears. The white knights and girl clique started comforting her and saying stupid shit such as "It's alright she meant "la ferme" (which also happens to mean farm) as in the farm". The things they said were laughably dumb.

Your turn
School shooting
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Cmdr. Friendly Enginer

Its lonely here looks like ive left
May 12, 2016
Hello ladies.

Primary school in year 5 we had a teacher who used a refillable lighter. one day she was filling it and it spilled and somehow caught fire so we dumped it in the sink and just left it sitting the whole lesson and occasionally wafting the smoke away so the alarms dont go off.

some bullies tried to attack me (they were year 6 / final year i was a year 5 in a 3 vs 1) and ended up splitting one persons forehead before they beat me up, black eyes and bruises but no blood.

and finally, free milk all you can drink. it was the shit and somehow we had it till year 5 when it normally ends at year 3 ish

Secondary school time. fuckwads from primary attack me after school sicne i have to get a bus, police involved they got arrested.

a fuckwad maths teacher had me in detention / isolation for a full month and had to get picked up because i knocked someone out because someone attacked me.

Same fuckwad teacher was my maths teacher, next day dealines for homework that was full booklets, work from a year higher even though we didnt know the stuff for our year. IT teacher chews me a new one because someone guessed my password and searched porn and beastiality ect..
and then to top it off some cunt in the workshop (engineerring / graphics work) fucked up on the sander causing it to hit a screwdrier nearby and then the screwdriver went into my leg, thankfully it healed up and no scars but it hurt like a fuck.

ended up moving schools because of family moving but in the next school the IT and english teacher were friends and would do stupid stuff regulary but it was fun, IT admin even unblocked some game websites cause he is cool.

art / photography teachers were cool as fuck too, photography we just wnet into town and even newcastle for shits n giggles and took a lot of photographs (we saw some guy in a fursuit one trip then some man in a dress) and the whole time photography teacher showed us odd places we never even knew existed like a cafe with cats and an art gallery underground.

and finally some cunt made a molatov and threw it on the pavement, ended up burning a lot of shit and igniting a bin as well as 5 bags and some cunts bike, he got sent to wherever. and the usual shit like crackheads n shit.
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Apr 26, 2016
Kid named John, huge tard! Our Eighth grade graduation was coming up. We were all practicing for the celebration ceremony and what not. Before the graduation happens there was a trip to Washington DC. Well earlier in the year. John had his emotions bottled up and flipped on one of his Special Ed teachers. This caused him to be excluded from the Washington trip. So during our practice for the ceremony we were all sitting in the school auditorium. He runs up to our principal on the stage gets on his knees and starts begging "Mrs.Thomas, please let me go on the trip!" her reply was obviously no. But his response was to let out a large Autistic screetch and decided to throw one of the desks at her on stage
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Deleted member 243


so there was this one morning and i had art classes. everyone finished their portraits. me and some greek guy are the only two guys

so i sit down at a computer and boot it up, then i finish up my photoshop assignment and print it out. made a little book with every edit i made and handed it in, together with a popart portrait afterwards. A+

so everyone's portraits are gathered up and placed down on a big table for everyone to examine. some are clearly shit, others are okay. the students have to explain why they made it that way and how they felt during the making. this one weird girl failed the assignment because she drew a wolf.

The teacher asks her why it's a wolf, and everyone stares at her. she mutturs something, and finally musters up the courage to stutter the words "I never really felt like a human."


the teacher replies "i don't care, the assigment was to make a human, with human proportions."

She walks out crying
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Apr 26, 2016

so there was this one morning and i had art classes. everyone finished their portraits. me and some greek guy are the only two guys

so i sit down at a computer and boot it up, then i finish up my photoshop assignment and print it out. made a little book with every edit i made and handed it in, together with a popart portrait afterwards. A+

so everyone's portraits are gathered up and placed down on a big table for everyone to examine. some are clearly shit, others are okay. the students have to explain why they made it that way and how they felt during the making. this one weird girl failed the assignment because she drew a wolf.

The teacher asks her why it's a wolf, and everyone stares at her. she mutturs something, and finally musters up the courage to stutter the words "I never really felt like a human."


the teacher replies "i don't care, the assigment was to make a human, with human proportions."

She walks out crying

Old Vince makes everything better

Good story 5/7 would read again


Apr 27, 2016

so there was this one morning and i had art classes. everyone finished their portraits. me and some greek guy are the only two guys

so i sit down at a computer and boot it up, then i finish up my photoshop assignment and print it out. made a little book with every edit i made and handed it in, together with a popart portrait afterwards. A+

so everyone's portraits are gathered up and placed down on a big table for everyone to examine. some are clearly shit, others are okay. the students have to explain why they made it that way and how they felt during the making. this one weird girl failed the assignment because she drew a wolf.

The teacher asks her why it's a wolf, and everyone stares at her. she mutturs something, and finally musters up the courage to stutter the words "I never really felt like a human."


the teacher replies "i don't care, the assigment was to make a human, with human proportions."

She walks out crying

Is she a furry?
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Bobby Denton

May 8, 2016
>be me
>be in high school, dealing drugs
>friend buys drugs from me, sells to retard
>retard gets caught, snitches on friend
>friend is told to expose all dealers or be kicked out
>friend has honor, not rat me out
>have opposing drug dealer in school called governors (gay)
>friend rats governors out
>governors kicked out
>make 200k off fruit
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Jun 25, 2016
>bored as fuck
>someone pisses the teacher off
>he starts smashing desks with his wooden pointer thingie
>doors open
>headmaster walks in followed by a group of little polish kids visiting the school

>bored as fuck
>teacher looks at watch
>"time to evacuate"
>someone tells me it's the fire evacuation training day thing
>slowly leave the school like we're not pretending there's a fucking fire
>leave all valuable things there
>smell the great vanilla-flavored smoke
>wait outside
>go back

>some teachers outright stop teaching and let their pupils watch
>friend's class's in the middle of an english lesson
>the thing happens
>guys pull out CD's the math teacher lent them
>start watching the sun through the plastic that holds the CD in place inside the box
>teacher confused
>"wtf ur doing"
>takes the CDs
>looks through the hole instead
>can't see shit
>takes the guys to the headmaster
>"call your parents"
>parents literally don't give a shit
>missed most of the eclipse
>teacher looks at them
>"Don't worry you'll get to see it next year"

>same teacher
>"what's the word for "podzim"?"
>"no it's autumn"
>ok :(

>polish kids visiting the school again
>students pissed at the headmaster for some reason
>yell "fuck you polish bitch" each time they see the kids without teachers

>45 minutes of transporting sand

>headmaster is at it again
>purchases stupid shit and wants to promote it in the local media
>doesn't care about actually fixing the school
>chemistry again
>bored as fuck again
>bunch of cameramen walk in
>teacher picks most attractive people to do a wacky "experiment"
>goal: Pour some flamable liquid onto a "slide" of sorts and into a flame
>should make a cool fire going from the bottom of the "slide" to the top
>guy tries
>tries again
>except it spreads to the glass he's holding
>tries to put it out by blowing
>doesn't work
>pours all of it
>big fucking fire spreads all around his arm
>is ok
>wtf just happened
>they use most of the clip anyway, up to the point he poured the rest of the burning liquid into the flame

>teachers outright lie in the school's promotional video
Last edited:
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Apr 26, 2016
>be me
>be in high school, dealing drugs
>friend buys drugs from me, sells to retard
>retard gets caught, snitches on friend
>friend is told to expose all dealers or be kicked out
>friend has honor, not rat me out
>have opposing drug dealer in school called governors (gay)
>friend rats governors out
>governors kicked out
>make 200k off fruit
this cant be real jesus christ

what kind of a gettho do you live in where 15 year olds deal drugs
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Apr 26, 2016
this cant be real jesus christ

what kind of a gettho do you live in where 15 year olds deal drugs
thats nothing uncommon and it soon will be uncommon in sweden too because you let alot of friendly and nice people in

so there was this one morning and i had art classes. everyone finished their portraits. me and some greek guy are the only two guys

so i sit down at a computer and boot it up, then i finish up my photoshop assignment and print it out. made a little book with every edit i made and handed it in, together with a popart portrait afterwards. A+

so everyone's portraits are gathered up and placed down on a big table for everyone to examine. some are clearly shit, others are okay. the students have to explain why they made it that way and how they felt during the making. this one weird girl failed the assignment because she drew a wolf.

The teacher asks her why it's a wolf, and everyone stares at her. she mutturs something, and finally musters up the courage to stutter the words "I never really felt like a human."


the teacher replies "i don't care, the assigment was to make a human, with human proportions."

She walks out crying



Lord of Ineptitude
Apr 26, 2016
Someone poured a small eppendorff of b-met once. People started heaving and vomiting around the small enclosed space that is our lab.

We also had someone get angry at a microscope and just leave for ten minutes to have a smoke break.

What, you thought shit happens over here? It's work from 9 to 6 here, especially if your professor is trying to rush some personal project of his and uses his assistant(me) to basically slaughter a bunch of guinea pigs for his students, becuase WE care about animals, yeah!
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Deleted member 22

Some kids shat on the wall I have pics of it if anyone wants them.

My principal kicked me when I was having a stroke sperging out on the floor because he thought I was faking it.

A lot of kids kill themselves in our school.

Due to it being all rich men in a public town school everyones some sort of mental defect doped up on drugs for fucked up head.

We had an autistic kid brag his parents bought him a youtube account for his birthday.

Somehow these kids parents let them buy packs of e cigs or vapes to sell to middle schoolers.

Kids are majority republican but are still hardcore drug users.

Mostly pro Trump and police but also fall for the FUGG POLICE BLACK CULTURE BASED meme and dress from the ghetto even though they ARE RICH
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Apr 30, 2016
@Rengar i dont know if you have any posts here but i bet you got a lot to tell here.

these fences have a lot of stories to tell: So in my school you are not allowed to come out like you want, if you want to get out of the school you must climb a couple of fences including these ones. Most of the time people escape from school when it's lunch break, most of the people don't return but we do, we eat food for cheaper outside then climb back in. These fences are in the front side of our school, it's very easy to climb but there are a lot of teacher that want to catch you so badly. We escaped from school and we ate our cheap delicious foods, then we returned, there were teachers but the ring belled and we had to get in, we started climbing in and while my friend was climbing teacher yelled like "SON COME HERE!" and he got worried and tried to climb back outside, his hand slipped and he fell, one of the spear or whatever you call it penetrated his arm, it went in and went out, you could see the spear coming out of his hand, he was bleeding like hell, the teacher pretended he didn't see and his other friends wanted to take him to the bathroom and not to show it to any teacher because they would get us in trouble. But he passed out and they had to inform teachers, ambulance came took him to the hospital and he turned out just a okay. Thankfully he can move his arm and such.
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